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Hooray, No More Wrinkles..

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If you guys are worried about your wrinkles, I seem to remember reading somewhere that using 'pile' cream works on tough old skin, and apparently it's quite cheap. So, ideal for men on all counts :thumbsup:


Don't thank me, always happy to help!


I miss read the pie cream bit. It's due to the grease. I just put some on my toasted corned beef, and now my mouth tastes of anti-septic. Horrid. The pile cream tube looked OK, kinda like that stuff from spar that's actually cheese. I really need to get my specs cleaned.

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If you guys are worried about your wrinkles, I seem to remember reading somewhere that using 'pile' cream works on tough old skin, and apparently it's quite cheap. So, ideal for men on all counts :thumbsup:


Don't thank me, always happy to help!


I don't give a damn about wrinkles or anything else!


Many years ago (when he was about 10) our son [who had a bit of a hang-up about the fact that his parents were rather older than those of his friends] asked us: "How come there are 2 kinds of 'old'?"


"What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, there's the kind of 'old' like when you are older than somebody else ... like mum being older than you." (That really p*8ed her off:hihi: - It's only 11 months, but she hates to be reminded of it)


"And there's the other kind of 'old' ...when you're sort of 'scrappy' looking. Like you."


I was hurt! I decided I should pay a little more attention to his feelings. A few days later, he started dropping heavy hints about something called 'Just for Men'. Hair dye.


I went and bought some hair dye. - A different brand, but supposedly a 'reputable' name. He and his mum went out somewhere and while they were out I decided to dye my hair (and my moustache.) The dye claimed to 'restore the natural colour of your hair'.


The instructions said "Wash your hair, apply the dye and leave it for 10 minutes." I did. I wanted to make sure it worked (and I wanted 'value for money' so I left it on for 15 minutes.


Then I washed it off, finished my shower, got dried, got dressed and waited for them to come back, wondering whether they would notice the change.


They came in and before the door was shut there were peals of laughter!


'Restore the natural colour of your hair'? - Only if your hair was a bright reddish-brown (which it had never been.)


It looked as if I'd rubbed Kiwi Dark Tan shoe polish into my hair and I had a pair of bright red caterpillars savaging my nostrils.:hihi::hihi:


Never again. The natural colour of my hair is now white. It can stay that way.

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Although I can categorically state I use nothing to make myself look younger, my hair looks like I've used 'Jerome Russel' powder bleach (blonde ... for light to dark brown hair with B-blonde cream peroxide) ... sheer coincidence!

This gets me into all sorts of tangles as I'm sure you can imagine!

The dark brown wrinkles in my face have nothing to do with the mis-application of L'Oreal demo expertise, nutri summer face moisturising fluid (medium tan) ... without bothering to read the instructions! :gag:

I guess the big pharmaceuitcal companies are trying to copy my rugged good looks! :)

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