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Deadly suicide bombing hits Moscow's Domodedovo airport

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Folk know who the terrorist groups are. They just don't know which specific group were responsible for a specific incident. So it doesn't much matter if you take out the wrong cell. You are just doing someone else's job for them.


Which groups are they?

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Which groups are they?


Abu Nidal Organization

Abu Sayyaf Group

African National Congress

Al-Aqsa e.V.

Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade


al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya

Al Ghurabaa

al-Haramain Foundation

Al Ittihad Al Islamia


al-Qa'ida in Iraq

al-Qaeda Organization in the Islamic Maghreb



All Tripura Tiger Force

Ansar al-Islam

Ansar al-Sunna

Armed Islamic Group

Asbat al-Ansar

Aum Shinrikyo

Babbar Khalsa

Baluchistan Liberation Army

Caucasus Emirate

Communist Party of India (Maoist)

Communist Party of the Philippines/

New People's Army

Continuity Irish Republican Army

Cumann na mBan

Deendar Anjuman

Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine


Egyptian Islamic Jihad

Euskadi ta Askatasuna


Fianna na hÉireann

Gama'a al-Islamiyya


Great Eastern Islamic Raiders' Front



Harakat-ul-Jihad-ul-Islami (Bangladesh)

Harakat ul-Mujahidin


Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin


Hizb ut-Tahrir

Hizbul Mujahideen

Holy Land Foundation

for Relief and Development

Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council

Informal Anarchist Federation

International Sikh Youth Federation

Irish National Liberation Army

Irish People's Liberation Organisation

Irish Republican Army

Islamic Army of Aden

Islamic Jihad — Jamaat of the Mujahideen

Islamic Jihad Union

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan

Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine

Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades


Jamaat Ul-Furquan

Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh

Jamiat ul-Ansar

Jamiat-e Islami

Jammu and Kashmir Islamic Front

Jemaah Islamiya

Jund Ash Sham


Kach and Kahane Chai

Kanglei Yaol Kanba Lup

Kangleipak Communist Party

Khalistan Commando Force

Khuddam ul-Islam

Kurdistan Freedom Falcons

Kurdistan Workers' Party



Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)

Libyan Islamic Fighting Group

Loyalist Volunteer Force

Manipur People's Liberation Front

Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group

Mujahedin-e Khalq

Muslim Brotherhood

National Democratic Front of Bodoland

National Liberation Army

National Liberation Front of Tripura

Nuclei Armati per il Comunismo

Nuclei di Iniziativa Proletaria

Nuclei Territoriali Antimperialisti

Nucleo di Iniziativa Proletaria Rivoluzionaria

Orange Volunteers

Palestine Liberation Front

Palestine Liberation Organization

Palestinian Islamic Jihad

People's Congress of Ichkeria and Dagestan

People's Liberation Army of Manipur

People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-

General Command

Real IRA

Red Brigades for the construction

of the Combative Communist Party

Red Hand Commando

Red Hand Defenders

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia

Revolutionary Nuclei

Revolutionary Organization 17 November

Revolutionary People's Front

Revolutionary People's Liberation Party/Front

Revolutionary Struggle

Saor Éire

Saviour Sect

Shining Path[18]

Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan

Social Reform Society

Society of the Revival of Islamic Heritage

Stichting Al Aqsa

Students Islamic Movement of India

Supreme Military Majlis ul-Shura of the United Mujahideen Forces of Caucasus

Takfir wal-Hijra



Tamil Nadu Liberation Army

Tamil National Retrieval Troops

Ulster Defence Association

Ulster Volunteer Force

United Liberation Front of Asom

United National Liberation Front

United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia

Vanguards of Conquest

World Tamil Movement

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You said they know which bunch of Islamic terrorists, so why have you included other non Islamic groups? Like these:

Irish National Liberation Army

Irish People's Liberation Organisation

Irish Republican Army


You forgot, The peoples front for Judea, or is it The Judean peoples front?

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You said they know which bunch of Islamic terrorists, so why have you included other non Islamic groups? Like these:

Irish National Liberation Army

Irish People's Liberation Organisation

Irish Republican Army


You forgot, The peoples front for Judea, or is it The Judean peoples front?


No I said...

"Folk know who the terrorist groups are. They just don't know which specific group were responsible for a specific incident. So it doesn't much matter if you take out the wrong cell. You are just doing someone else's job for them"


You just made up the rest.

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No I said...

"Folk know who the terrorist groups are. They just don't know which specific group were responsible for a specific incident. So it doesn't much matter if you take out the wrong cell. You are just doing someone else's job for them"


You just made up the rest.


I think you'll find I didn't make anything up. Your stupidity would imply that the Russians take out a cell like the IRA or the INLA would justify and bring to book those really responsible, when in all reality those responsible haven't been identified yet. And yes it does matter which group you 'take out'. What happens when you run out of terrorist groups? Stormfront? Women's institute? AA? Boys scouts? See how ridiculous something can look?


Anyway, back in the horse pen and at least wait for the starter.:roll:

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In all honesty, as its russia, we may not know if its internal or external extremists.....russia knows how to keep secrets.


It'll be difficult to keep things under wraps I would think. One thing is almost for sure, the Ruskies will take the gloves off.

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It'll be difficult to keep things under wraps I would think. One thing is almost for sure, the Ruskies will take the gloves off.


But in what way will they take there gloves off? In the uk there would be a mass operation and dawn raids........what happens in russia?

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But in what way will they take there gloves off? In the uk there would be a mass operation and dawn raids........what happens in russia?


More than likely the same without asking them politely if their involved or not?

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