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Dear Forum.. What's more important - health or money?

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Dear Forum... What is more important to people - your health or money?


Me and my partner had this debate yesterday as I've been off work sick for a while and I spoke to my partner about the possibility of me going back part time if my manager is OK with that. I was thinking part time at least until I get a diagnosis and get on top of my health problems and get them under control.


He says at my age I should be working full time instead of wanting to work part time and sit around doing nothing for the rest of the time. He says he can't afford to support me going part time as he has a daughter from a previous relationship to support. I had already worked out we could just afford for me to go part time but we would have to tighten our belts. To which I got the reply "I have never struggled for money, I'm not going to start now." He then went on to tell me that he prioritised money before my health as money pays the bills. I said my health should come first.


So who do people think is right? Should health or money come first?

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I would always put health before money. What happens if you went back to work full time and it made you worse and had to take even more time off, or even heaven forbid lost your job


What if the lack of money is a defining factor in your lack of good health? Seems to me that balance plays a vital role.

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Health every time.


What's the good of having lots of money if you're too ill to enjoy it?


I don't think the issue is about having enough to enjoy as there wouldn't be an issue. The issue seems to be enough to actually survive on.

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It depends what the health issues are.

some health issues get better when you are active and busy. some people stay sick if they sit and home and dwell.


Health is very important, you can always make money, but you cant always get your health back.

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I echo daftlad*, especially if you've not got a diagnosis yet. Not knowing the sort of health issues involved of course, but I've been there myself, I pushed and tried to override the problems I was having until I wasn't able to work at all. Starting off part time is a sensible strategy anyway I think. At the very least, even if you had the aim of full time work can't you agree to a provisional part time period first to see how you go?


I do think you need diagnosis first though, otherwise how do you know you're managing it properly and where the limits and risks are? I also think that using their child to put pressure on you is a bit off. Your health comes before everything, without it you might not be able to do anything.



*And everyone who posted at the same time as me!

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