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Dear Forum.. What's more important - health or money?

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your partner seems to be treating your income as his own. He should ask himself how he would cope financially if you left him. Your health should definitely come first, there's no pleasure in going out to work if you have to struggle to do so.

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I'm not sure if you're bragging or complaining, but my goodness, you're either a saint, or a fool. Not sure which. It should be share and share alike in a relationship.


In reply to the OP, as someone who's seen both sides of the equation, your health is more important, obviously. But if you've been off for 'a while' and still not got a diagnosis of your health problems or got them 'under control', maybe your partner has a point. Are you really ill, or is it all silly little niggling things that are causing you to feel unable to work?


Im not really complaining and I'm not bragging either. I have nothing to brag about I am average, I have done OK no better no worse. Like many men, and some women as the main bread winner I earn most of the money and this is spent on our home, cars and all the other things required in life. I share these things and have no qualms but ye some days I think I am hard done by. My pleasures are limited, £20 in the pub here and there with a mate. Id be gutted having worked 7 days this week if I hadnt managed a swift beer on Saturday night with a mate (which I did). My OH not working may take this away. I would have no problem if shes really ill or like I say a victim of some bully or something but if it was minor then I'd be unhappy. As everyone keeps saying really its a tough call as we dont know the nature of the illness, but dont judge the guy. Perhaps like we all do hes just feeling a bit unappreciated - my OH is great and I wouldnt swop her but you know when her car breaks and the bills more than she earns in a month sometimes I think, 'bugger why cant I have some money for a phone' or whatever. I dont mean it deep down I just, like I say sometimes feel unappreciated. I wouldnt make her work through a serious illness but the guy may not be the big bad wolf is all I'm saying

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Why remain private? I don't want to bug the admins etc, why does the user wish to remain private? Most of us on here are all under whacky names, why not this one?


Well, even though most people have no idea of my identity, and most sf users assume im a bloke :hihi:, there are some people who know me. Sometimes, you just need other views and opinions on your personal dilemas without being identified.

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Dump the tosser.

If money is more important (my bold) to him than you are he's shown his true worth as a partner.

Give him the elbow, and quick.


I gave up a good job, car... the lot, to care for my sick wife diagnosed with cancer. Any thoughts of asking her to work were non existant. Thoughts of leaving her to fight the illness alone while I worked never entered my head.

Her health and well being came first.

We live off benefits....but I've no regrets.

As she reaches end of life I'd give everything.... what litttle cash we have, the house, the lot...if only she had her health back.


I truly hope your health improves soon and you are able to return to work....but give serious consideration to the relationship you have with your partner. It doesn't seem to be loving on his part.



what a great post, my best wishes go out to you and your good lady

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what a great post, my best wishes go out to you and your good lady


Humbling, I wish you all the best. I wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy and the thought of my OH taken before her time by cancer hurts me, just the very thought. In your circumstances I hope I would conduct myself the same as you.

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what a great post, my best wishes go out to you and your good lady


Humbling, I wish you all the best. I wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy and the thought of my OH taken before her time by cancer hurts me, just the very thought. In your circumstances I hope I would conduct myself the same as you.


I'll have a "Plus 1" for those sentiments.

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