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Scottish Parliament Building

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Why bother with an inquiry into why the Scottish Parliament building has increased in cost from an estimated £40 million to the current £400 million and still a building site. Do they not realise that any investigation is only going to cost more public money.


Surely the answers are obvious. This disgraceful, shambolic incompetance can only be a result of the same economic incapables who built the Millennium Dome. :mad:

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Originally posted by Lickszz

Spooks, Paid for by English tax payers.


How could anyone in their right senses have drawn up a contract in which cost escalation of 400% is permitted?

This is what happens when government (local or national) tries to run something that the private sector should be doing. There's nothing like using your own money to keep costs keen.
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Originally posted by Lickszz

Spooks, Paid for by English tax payers.


How could anyone in their right senses have drawn up a contract in which cost escalation of 400% is permitted?


It's not paid for by english taxpayers, it's paid for by BRITISH taxpayers, in the same way that the Stormont set-up is funded by us all, and a Yorkshire Parliament (if it came about) would be funded. It's not as if the Jocks haven't had it pretty tough anyway - poll tax, stealing their oil revenues, ******* up their fishing industry, buggerin up their ship-building... Added to the fact that they were paying more tax per capita than they received in state expenditure up until the late nineties!!


Plus, we all voted for a government that had nigh-on promised devolution...


It is a scandal that the costs were allowed to spiral so high, but unfortunately that isn't exactly unknown with projects of this kind.


Edited - Removed Swearing - Lickszz

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Originally posted by Jack Yerbody

It is a scandal that the costs were allowed to spiral so high, but unfortunately that isn't exactly unknown with projects of this kind.

Costs are certainly known in the private sector. The costs go up when the Client (ie the Government) starts changing things AFTER signing the contract. The contractor is merely asking for payment for alterations by it's Client.

The private sector worked out ways of producing buildings on time and budget years ago - a shame the the govenment is still so useless at it.

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Originally posted by Jack Yerbody

It's not paid for by english taxpayers, it's paid for by BRITISH taxpayers, in the same way that the Stormont set-up is funded by us all, and a Yorkshire Parliament (if it came about) would be funded. It's not as if the Jocks haven't had it pretty tough anyway - poll tax, stealing their oil revenues, ******* up their fishing industry, buggerin up their ship-building... Added to the fact that they were paying more tax per capita than they received in state expenditure up until the late nineties!!


Plus, we all voted for a government that had nigh-on promised devolution...


It is a scandal that the costs were allowed to spiral so high, but unfortunately that isn't exactly unknown with projects of this kind.


Before quoting me you might want to read what I am replying to.


Some people prefer to class themselves as English instead of British. BTW - we didn't all vote for this Government, some 20 odd percent elected it.


ps - what do you think is wrong with the current building?

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