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Will 'fiddle work' become the norm as people struggle to pay their taxes?

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As for tradesmen fiddleing there tax well it can happen but not to a large degree. He will have the usual direct debits like mortgage, council tax, utilities etc. He will also have to have money to live on like food and transport. All this is going to come out of his bank account so he has to put money in so it is there for when it comes out. What you don't do is bank money that has not been declared. This is hidden under the floor boards. The tax man is very clever at tracing your cash flow so most of your living expenses have to be declared. Besides, if you didn't declare most of your living then your yearly earnings would be low and so would your tax bill. This might sound god except for when you need a mortgage or car loan. Earn nothing and you can only borrow nothing. So it is advantages to at least declare a living and keep your tax inspector off your back.


As for paying cash for a discount well the customer has a benefit there. But the rules of giving a discount for cash is you do not issue an invoice or bill. That's usually part of the deal. This is where many a customer comes unstuck. They cannot get the tradesman to come back when things go wrong and you cannot sue a tradesman who does not exist. No invoice = no job done in the first place. We have all heard of the builders from hell but for me some customers let themselves fall into a trap on the pretense of saving cash. I have been stung myself with cash merchants and now it's a full invoice with vat if applicable and if possible payment by cheque. The days of discount for cash are over for me, fell for that one once to often.


Best to only get a tradesman then who A) You Know or B) Has been recommended.


As for 'Cash in Hand' work I always ask for the cheapest quote off people I know. The answer is usually £x for cash. Now if that is not declared to the tax man, I'm not a paid tax inspector which means its not my responsibilty.

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Or to look at it another way, paying for terminal care for cancer victims, paying the wages of our doctors and nurses and our forces getting blown to pieces while some selfish git cheats the system.


Out of necessity? Yeah, I bet you say that about muggers too do you?

They're cheats as much the laziest benefit scrounger.

The problem is that that due to legal loopholes the rich and there are many of them are able to milk away £millions each in tax breaks.

These £millions that become £Billions make the poor paid fiddle workers £10 per week tax evasion pale into insignificance.

Whilever bankers etc are allowed to get away with I'll not grumble about Joe Publics ten quid fiddle.

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And of course you wouldnt think of fiddling the system would you ?It happens its always happened and it always will,not everybody who signs on are work shy and if someone comes along and offers them a few bob for a bit of work ,they will take it ,it could be the difference between egg and beans for sunday dinner or a bit of chicken.


It is still illegal though isn't it, if you claim off the state you have to declare anything you earn regardless of wether it's the difference between egg and beans for sunday dinner or a bit of chicken.

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It is still illegal though isn't it, if you claim off the state you have to declare anything you earn regardless of wether it's the difference between egg and beans for sunday dinner or a bit of chicken.
A chicken costs the same to someone on a peanut wage or the dole as a banker taking home a multi million pound tax free bonus.

Start at the top with the legal fiddlers, cover up the loopholes.

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So because as you say they are just trying to get by, that makes it ok to evade paying tax on money they have earned. You can dress it up as much as you want but its still tax evasion.
Whle ever the top earners can legally avoid tax I've no problem with the man at the bottom of the pile doing it illegaly.

Until a fairer tax sytem is introduced good luck to the little man.

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