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Children in Need

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Did anyone watch this years Children in need? If so what did you think of it and did you give any money or have you ever pledged any money?


I personally didn't watch it and haven't for years for various reasons. It does seem to me however that it isn't as popular as it once was.


What do you think?


btw - How much money did they raise on the show?

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My point is (and I'm not disagreeing with you btw) that can you imagine if they only raised a couple of hundred grand, what do you think would happen to the show? Do you think it could lose it's public appeal? I just can't see another way they could do it and raise that amount of cash.

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Originally posted by t020

All for a good cause, but why does it have to be on all night? Not necessary. As a result, Eastenders and Have I Got News for You weren't on. Not good enough!

Moaning about a good cause, no a great cause, all because you missed you soap operas??!?!?! Ahhh poor baby! You are the Grinch who stole Christmas, you are Scrooge in the Christmas Carol. Children in Need are Children in Need and they need as much help as they can get. It loses it's public appeal because people like you see more importance in their own selfish needs.

Shame on you T020.

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Originally posted by Funke88

Moaning about a good cause, no a great cause, all because you missed you soap operas??!?!?! Ahhh poor baby! You are the Grinch who stole Christmas, you are Scrooge in the Christmas Carol. Children in Need are Children in Need and they need as much help as they can get. It loses it's public appeal because people like you see more importance in their own selfish needs.

Shame on you T020.

:D :D Yeah right on Funkee.

At least i was able to sit and watch the telle without having to watch these dreadfull soaps for once.

We should replace the lot with 30 minutes of Children in need.:thumbsup:

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