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How Long Before It All Goes Pear Shaped?

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How long do you think it will be before our Con Dem Nation crumbles and a general election is called?


How long will it take for their policies to fail? How long before The Lib Dems are up in arms about the destruction of their party and how long before widespread strike action and civil unrest?


I think it will be less than a year...:suspect:

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How long do you think it will be before our Con Dem Nation crumbles and a general election is called?


How long will it take for their policies to fail? How long before The Lib Dems are up in arms about the destruction of their party and how long before widespread strike action and civil unrest?


I think it will be less than a year...:suspect:


Your not a Con Dem Lib then ?:roll: Give em a flippin chance.!! Theyre still sorting out the debts of the Labour party !.:rolleyes:

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How long do you think it will be before our Con Dem Nation crumbles and a general election is called?


How long will it take for their policies to fail? How long before The Lib Dems are up in arms about the destruction of their party and how long before widespread strike action and civil unrest?


I think it will be less than a year...:suspect:


Don't worry Frank it will be nearly 5 years before another general election and I don't think we will see a general strike or widespread civil unrest, people have too much to lose these days with mortgages and other debts.

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The government will serve a full five year term,


There isn't really an alternative solution. Ed Balls, one of the architects of our current desolation, can jump up and down as much as he like, but it doesn't change the fact that Labour would have had to cut pretty much the same as the coalition as.


The "we wont cut as much" argument sounds good until you realise that it means tax and borrow more. Increasing taxation will decrease the amount of cash people and companies can spend and borrowing more will mean there is less to spend in the country because more will be spent on interest.


Ed is right about the seeming lack of a plan to stimulate growth in the wider economy though,

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It's actually a crying shame that Labour didn't win last years general election as i would have actually love to have seen what they would have done different to get us out of the mess they put us in.


Then again another 5 years of Labour could have been a case of will the last person to leave the UK please turn out the lights.

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I think the Coalition is in for a big shock come the local elections, they will be lucky to have half the seats they have now - that should serve as a sign of things to come - but will they take it on board, I don't think they will get in next time - people seem to have had enough already because the majority are feeling the cuts and believe the rich aren't being much affected.

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I think the Libs and the Tories will have a bit of a fall out soon. The Liberal Democrats can't continue to be Cameron's Bitches....I actually feel sorry for the ordinary Liberals who have worked hard for the party, who no doubt have good intentions and must be totally gutted. Their leaders have sold their soul to the devil. Personally I'd sooner be in opposition than sell out for power. It must be difficult for Liberals to look the electorate in the eye.


We all know the countries problems are not of the coalitions making but they will suffer just the same. Their downfall will be the gradual souring of their relationship and then a total collapse and then a general election.


This, of course, is only one aspect of their problems. There will be large scale strikes and further unrest like the Student Protests. They're the 3 problems they will have to contend with and we don't know what's around the corner. No wonder Clegg looks washed out....

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