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How Long Before It All Goes Pear Shaped?

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Yeah, 'cos nobody bought presents online or had them delivered did they? Places like Meadowhall were open every hour of the day to make up for the 2-3 days we had a heavy snowfall.


Sainsbury's and Morrisions both recorded profits too (and they had the same snow as the rest of the country). Os(bore)n is a liar, and a bad one, at that.

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How long do you think it will be before our Con Dem Nation crumbles and a general election is called?


How long will it take for their policies to fail? How long before The Lib Dems are up in arms about the destruction of their party and how long before widespread strike action and civil unrest?


I think it will be less than a year...:suspect:


I thought they were meant to collapse within three months?

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It went pear-shaped a long time back already, the Coalition/politics angle is pretty much irrelevant.


We never got out of recession (massaged official figures notwithstanding), we might have managed to stave off hyperinflation for now (in fairness, I was expecting it sooner - glad I was wrong), but we're going to cop for stagflation instead, just as bad.


IMHO...better start learning Mandarin or Cantonese :D

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