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Hat prejudice - the shift in cultural values.

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100 years ago, near on everyone wore a hat. If you were without a hat, you were an outcast!


Today, people wearing hats are discriminated against. Hardy anyone wears a hat.


People wearing hats are now frowned upon, they are banned from certain places.


You still see some people wearing hats. Old men with their flat caps and young men with baseball caps, and some women wear them for special occasions. But wearing a hat is not part of the universal dress code anymore.


As a hat wearer I find this quite sad, wearing a hat has so many advantages in day to day life. You can shade your eyes from the sun or use it as a impromptu pocket for example. You can wear a different style/colour to symbolise various things to others you know at a fairly large distance without the need for verbal communication.


I wonder why hat wearing has become less common. What do you think?

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100 years ago, near on everyone wore a hat. If you were without a hat, you were an outcast!


Today, people wearing hats are discriminated against. Hardy anyone wears a hat.


People wearing hats are now frowned upon, they are banned from certain places.


You still see some people wearing hats. Old men with their flat caps and young men with baseball caps, and some women wear them for special occasions. But wearing a hat is not part of the universal dress code anymore.


As a hat wearer I find this quite sad, wearing a hat has so many advantages in day to day life. You can shade your eyes from the sun or use it as a impromptu pocket for example. You can wear a different style/colour to symbolise various things to others you know at a fairly large distance without the need for verbal communication.


I wonder why hat wearing has become less common. What do you think?


This thread will turn into a discussion about Burka's fairly rapidly, if it doesn't I'll eat my hat.


Seriously though, no one wears proper hats these days, its all baseball caps and beanie hats.

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This thread will turn into a discussion about Burka's fairly rapidly, if it doesn't I'll eat my hat.


Seriously though, no one wears proper hats these days, its all baseball caps and beanie hats.


I don't mind if people wish to discuss the burka as a form of headwear, after all Christian women used to wear a similar thing in the UK, some older women still do.


So long as people are discussing the headwear elements and not trying to descend into a race/religious argument for the sake of argument. Some religions do require followers to wear hats/headwear.


I suppose people wear baseball caps and beanies more because of price and availability rather than choice.


I'd quite like to don a top hat, but you seldom see them around. I'd ideally purchase it from a stall on the local market.

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I like hats, I keep desiring a bowler hat, but as such haven't purchased one. Even then i'm not too sure i'd wear it out... But I do buy clothes just for lounging, stuff I never wear out.


Baseball caps, I do like them, but feel like i'm perceived as a thug wearing one, so only wear them in certain weathers.


I did however love the hat JK gave Sian this morning, she looked good in it too, but then she always does!



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The only hat(s) I seem to wear are woolly beanie types, to keep my head warm. Other than that, I am afraid I am one of the many who do not wear a hat daily.


I like to see hats, especially the old styles. It's a shame they aren't worn as much anymore. I suppose the major reason, amongst others, is that styles have changed significantly.


Oh, and I don't class sports hats as proper headwear :)

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Hubby loves wearing a proper wide brimmed hat and feels naked without it apparently :) He likes wearing his as he thinks it looks smart, shades his eyes and protects his head from the sun (and I suspect hides the bald patch on his head :lol: ). We have had instances where he was asked to remove it though - e.g. going into a pub, he was asked to take it off as soon as we walked through the door (apparently it was so that the cctv could see his face - obviously looks shifty). It does seem rather odd that hardly anyone wears a hat now unless its a woolly one when 60 years ago they were commonplace.

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I like hats, I keep desiring a bowler hat, but as such haven't purchased one. Even then i'm not too sure i'd wear it out... But I do buy clothes just for lounging, stuff I never wear out.


Baseball caps, I do like them, but feel like i'm perceived as a thug wearing one, so only wear them in certain weathers.


I did however love the hat JK gave Sian this morning, she looked good in it too, but then she always does!




She might be a bit too old for me, but I would, and with that hat on :wow:


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I don't mind if people wish to discuss the burka as a form of headwear, after all Christian women used to wear a similar thing in the UK, some older women still do.




No. The burqa, and the reason why it is so controversial a garment to so many, even many muslims themselves, is because it totally covers the face, not just the head. One of the things that makes religious arguments about hijabs/niqabs/burqas so ridiculous is that so many people use the wrong term for what they mean.


I have never seen an indigenous (for want of a better word) woman cover her face in day to day life.


I know you don't want the thread derailed into religion, but using the right terminology for what you mean does matter in this case.


I wear a hat a lot in the winter, I wore one all day today, but I didn't encounter any discrimination. :)


I used to wear 'proper' hats too, but stopped after moving to Sheffield for the same reason I stopped wearing voluminous skirts.

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