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Anyone interesting in setting up a diners club?


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Hiya, inspired by another thread about home cooking, I wondered if anyone is interested in setting up/joining a diners club?


I love cooking and entertaining and I thought it might be nice to have a small group of people who could each take it in turns to cook/entertain the rest of the group - say once a month?


What does anyone else think?

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Me and my mates used to do a weekly thing called "The Connoisseurs Club"


Basically the four of use would take it in turns to cook and we would get a film out. It was a really good, cheap evening, but has died a death since one of the lads met a girl and has effectively sacked his mates off. Got that off my chest!


I would be interested as I love to cook.

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Half the fun is trying to cook. Bringing a chef defeats the object to a degree (unless of course one of your mates happens to be a great chef!)


A few of us have become quite decent cooks, but we are still relatively novice. Its the trying that is important I reckon!

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Hi folks, I think I might have scared a few people off, making it sound more formal than it should be.


It was an idea for a small circle of people to have a reason to get together once a month and have a relaxing, sociable time (but maybe not quite so relaxing for the person cooking)!


I'm not the greatest cook either - but it's a good excuse to try new things out in an informal relaxed atmosphere ...


Hope this encourages some of you who say you 'can't cook' to have a go ... ? :thumbsup:

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