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Is South Yorkshire becoming a police state? Apparently it is

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A Policeman came to investigate one of our hen nights last year, to make sure we were not up to anything we shouldn't have been


He then took his clothes off and was standing there in only a thong :o:help:


The police go about things in a different way these days, not like it used to be

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I always thought you could take a picture of any public building so long as you were stood on the public highway.




There's a highlighted link under the "recent guidance (.doc)" text that gives you ACPO's guidance doc for all police forces:-



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A Policeman came to investigate one of our hen nights last year, to make sure we were not up to anything we shouldn't have been


He then took his clothes off and was standing there in only a thong :o:help:


The police go about things in a different way these days, not like it used to be


:hihi: thanks for the giggle

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Not uncommon for the police not to know the law after all there are quite a few of them and you can't memorise them all which is why they sometimes make it up as they go along.


Indeed, there was some debate about this some time ago with the proliferation of new legislation under Nu Labour.


No one can realistically be expected to know it all.


APCO have tried to clarify with regard to photography but the message doesn't seem to be getting through.

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My son has just phoned me to tell me of his interesting encounter while out for his evening run. He has just started running in an attempt to get fit for the summer. To prove to his girlfriend how far he had got, he decided to take a photo of himself outside Hackenthorpe Police Station, near Crystal Peaks. At which point a police car screamed around the corner, dragged him into the back seat and started to read him the riot act about anti-terrorism and how it was ILLEGAL for him to take a picture of a police station or ANY public building, for example Meadowhall (their example not mine).


I always thought you could take a picture of any public building so long as you were stood on the public highway.


As for quoting Meadowhall as an example, how many tourists do you think would be taken into custody daily if that was the case.


I have always believed the police are prone to abusing their powers given half a chance, but have they seriously got nothing else to do but threaten a clapped-out jogger with the anti terrorism baton?


is this for real? did he get the police officers numbers? any paper work? go to the papers!

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i believe since the terror laws were beefed up it can get you in a spot of bother taking photos of the police, army and certain public buildings etc


even railway enthusiasts have, and plane spotters


i came across this whole thing while surfing the net.


we all can take photos films anywhere in public, on public land. we all have no right or expectation of privicey while in public.


if this is true its well out of order and you need to complain.

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