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Is South Yorkshire becoming a police state? Apparently it is

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Another aspect of all this, is that now we have a society that is ' under the magnifying glass ', so to speak--------if, in the future an extreme Left or Right totalitarian government gain power in the U.K., well, everything [ or everyone ! ] will be at their fingertips !

I suppose the present-day control freaks have never had the brains or imagination to think about that little scenario-----or maybe they just don 't care ?

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Another aspect of all this, is that now we have a society that is ' under the magnifying glass ', so to speak--------if, in the future an extreme Left or Right totalitarian government gain power in the U.K., well, everything [ or everyone ! ] will be at their fingertips !

I suppose the present-day control freaks have never had the brains or imagination to think about that little scenario-----or maybe they just don 't care ?


its your right to take photos or film in public. the police cannot act in this way.

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I have always believed the police are prone to abusing their powers given half a chance, but have they seriously got nothing else to do but threaten a clapped-out jogger with the anti terrorism baton?


make a complaint to the police and the IPCC, thats what they are there for.




theres no point complaining on here, it wont achieve anything other than whipping up the armchair warriors.




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The reason I made the comment about the infrastructure of control being in place, conveniently [ ! ] for any potential dictator or authoritarian party, is that, we just need to consider 2 classic cases------Hitler & Stalin-----both used whatever means were in existence to further tighten their grip on the country they controlled.


Yes, we do have a sort of ' soft centrist, nanny-style ' sort of dictatorship----with a bit of brutality now and then, for good measure. But-----imagine how easy it would be for a new Hitler or Stalin to use all that 's in place now------the cameras, the computers, the gigantic bureaucracy, the never-ending invasion of privacy.....etc....to start a new form of Gestapo, NKVD, Dachau or Gulag ? It would certainly make their gruesome aims a lot easier !

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