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Why are there bouncers on the door of Wetherspoons, Hillsborough?


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Legends has the most attractive, feisty and efficient barmaids in Sheffield. And it keeps you on your toes...prices can vary by upwards of £1 a pint, depending on when you go!


Oh yeah and another thing....I'd sooner go into Legends and be served in about 2 mins by a friendly girl who remembers you after one or two visits, than the usual Rawson / Wetherspoons "experience"...a bar which could comfortably fit into a stateroom on the "Titanic" staffed by one person....reaching the bar with only one other person in front and experiencing the adrenalin rush of thinking you will be served in 2 mins...but of course they are ordering six different meals, and coffees ( go to Costa?!) and can't remember whether they want chips or a jacket, or their table number...meanwhile all the other blackshirts are steaming around collecting glasses, delivering plates...in fact, anything but accommodating the customer who's popped in for a quiet, un-corporate pint.

Phew...rant over.


As an occasional customer of both I have to agree with all of that really.

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having worked for weatherspoonies a while ago i know that they pay for them and proberly part of there licence.it come out of wage bill whitch is a persentage of the proffits so yes you pay but they allways being there so i carnt see price going up

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Because of all the scum that go every week. Same faces getting into fights (even with bouncers) but still allowed in every week. Creates a horrible atmosphere in the bar which has ruined what could have been a decent boozer. I or my friends have had threats against us on numerous occasions for the simple mistake of looking toward the dancefloor in an incorrect manner or daring to get served before these danny dyer wanabees. Drugs are taken openly in the toilets, even before it gets to the time when children are kicked out. Absolute hate the scum who do all this and the sooner this section of the species die out, the better.


Oh yeah, worst bar staff in sheffield by an absolute mile as well.

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Because of all the scum that go every week. Same faces getting into fights (even with bouncers) but still allowed in every week. Creates a horrible atmosphere in the bar which has ruined what could have been a decent boozer. I or my friends have had threats against us on numerous occasions for the simple mistake of looking toward the dancefloor in an incorrect manner or daring to get served before these danny dyer wanabees. Drugs are taken openly in the toilets, even before it gets to the time when children are kicked out. Absolute hate the scum who do all this and the sooner this section of the species die out, the better.


Oh yeah, worst bar staff in sheffield by an absolute mile as well.


there not gonna die off yet things can only get better and on who was singing that a few year ago welcome to hell my fellow forum user the scum have just been left to there own devices to turn Ferrel you should all be worried because it will be felt for years to come.:suspect:

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