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Are you proud to be English

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This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle,

This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,

This other Eden, demi-paradise,

This fortress built by Nature for herself

Against infection and the hand of war,

This happy breed of men, this little world,

This precious stone set in the silver sea,

Which serves it in the office of a wall

Or as a moat defensive to a house,

Against the envy of less happier lands,--

This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.


He knew exactly what bieng english meant .....

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Generally, yes.

Sometimes I feel a bit let down though, for example, there's a thread on here at the moment asking for a petition to be signed to highlight the disgraceful sentance of a possible 2 years that man got for killing another man. That doesn't make me feel proud.

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I think that Britain has some incredible culture. And yeah, actually I do sometimes worry about it disappearing - I'm an amateur folk singer and every time I hear another old song or poem or story it makes me all the more amazed at the breadth of our little island. Yet who sings those songs any more? Its like that Show of Hands lyric, something like "my idea of hell is a pub where noone sings, and everybody just stares at a great big screen."


Plus, we've some fantastically weird traditions. It gives me great comfort to know that, no matter how eccentric I might get, my heritage lies in a country that invented cheese rolling and nettle eating contests.



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i have been to colchester three times to see a mate who was living on the barracks down there.its the most boring place in the country imo.we walked round the town centre wich is just a square.the night life was non exsistent every pub and resturant was empty even the police looked board.we went for a meal and was back in the digs at 10 oclock board stupid.i would rather wach the owls play.


To be quite frank, that is one of the funniest posts ive ever read lol :thumbsup:

I feel sorry for who ever has to live there.

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I think that Britain has some incredible culture. And yeah, actually I do sometimes worry about it disappearing - I'm an amateur folk singer and every time I hear another old song or poem or story it makes me all the more amazed at the breadth of our little island. Yet who sings those songs any more? Its like that Show of Hands lyric, something like "my idea of hell is a pub where noone sings, and everybody just stares at a great big screen."


Plus, we've some fantastically weird traditions. It gives me great comfort to know that, no matter how eccentric I might get, my heritage lies in a country that invented cheese rolling and nettle eating contests.




Your right, we were down in St. Ives last year for the music festival, folk and poetry in nearly all the pubs, what a fantastic week.


Yes I'm proud to be english and proud of all our wonderful music and traditions , folk, punk , rock you name it. I'm not proud though of the two scrotes on another thread who mugged a guy near Bramall Lane.

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However, any pride I may have is in what we've achieved, in bringing up a family, in keeping our heads above water, and trying to be decent people. Thats surely much more important than where we were born. :)


Yep, you should be more proud of your own achievements rather than that of others, although I am still proud of my country.

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