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Are you proud to be English

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Have you noticed that on forms you can be Irish, Scottish or Welsh, but, you cannot be English you have to be British.


No. I work in Human Resources and don't think I have ever seen an official form give you options along the lines of Scottish, Welsh or English. Its usually British, Irish or other (outside of UK + Ireland) options. Which seems perfectly sensible to me.




I always find it ironic that probably the main cause of this country's ills these days are the 'english' people who whinge all day about how everyone else is ruining their country or about how 'awful' it is to live here and about how they are 'not allowed to be english'.

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Would this be the very flag the rest of the Union never fly unless they have to. The one they are trying to distance themselves from. Only the English call themselves British and fly the Union flag.


The Britains were an English tribe, not anywhere near us never mind Scotland, Wales or Ireland, it's good to have a national identity.


We are all seperate countries that have been partitioned into states within a Union.



Perhaps that's because for years the English tried to claim the Union Flag as their own, or referred to Britain as England and vice versa i.e. implying that those who weren't English weren't British.


The Britons were not an exclusively English tribe. Check this link for details:




Considering that England has been invaded by the Romans, Saxons and Normans it could be argued that English cannot really claim to be Britons as the English Britons would have been wiped out or assimilated by the aforementioned invaders.


Finally, we have not been partitioned into states within the Union. We are 4 separate nations within 1 state, which is the Union.

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God blessed me, born within these seven hills

Of sporting stadia

Of Steel mills

Of schools of thought and culture rich


My City's pride, our only glitch

We never shout, from all our hills

Just how our talent flows and spills


From Manor top to Woodhouse Mill

Beighton, Bradfield and round Park Hill

One little niggle, one little fault

When change is needed, our allies bolt

Change of Government and cancelled loans

We “tek it on’t chin” with quiet moans


In my response to your question posed

Of “am I proud?” just so you know

We're Britains North and Yorkshires South

So hear these words out of my mouth

I’m English proud and British clad

I’m proud and blessed t’be a Sheffield lad!

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absolutely. this country has gone to the dogs. we are not allowed to be English any more we cant celabrate st Georges day in case it offends others the same as Christmas wich is now called the winter festival.its about time the PC brigade grew up and let us be English again IMO.:rant:


Please quote who said you can't mark St George's day and who changed Christmas to winter festival.

That's official sources, not some random dippy sod.


That or stop posting lies. :)

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Christmas wich is now called the winter festival.



You gullible fool. This is all in your head!

Even if it was called Winters Festival, who'd really care? Its not like we're a religious country anymore anyway.

And if you are Christian, i apologise but you nicked this festival from the pagans anyhow!

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This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle,

This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,

This other Eden, demi-paradise,

This fortress built by Nature for herself

Against infection and the hand of war,

This happy breed of men, this little world,

This precious stone set in the silver sea,

Which serves it in the office of a wall

Or as a moat defensive to a house,

Against the envy of less happier lands,--

This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.


He knew exactly what bieng english meant .....


This is so often quoted out of context. You should read further in the speech to see just what John of Gaunt thought of his England, and perhaps it does resonate with the present state of affairs!

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yes im a proud englishman ,i cant be held responsible for what governments did in the past, thats before anyone starts the condemnation of this great island of ours, i celebrate national holidays and traditions ,im a loyalist a yorkshireman and thank god i was born here


Think im going to cry !!

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absolutely. this country has gone to the dogs. we are not allowed to be English any more we cant celabrate st Georges day in case it offends others the same as Christmas wich is now called the winter festival.its about time the PC brigade grew up and let us be English again IMO.:rant:


How very strange.


I am one of the people who you would, I believe, accuse of being a member of the above mentioned "brigade" and yet I have a vivid, happy memory of playing a gig on the stage on Devonshire Green as part of last year's large, council funded, St George's Day celebration.


In addition, I remember recently attending a Christmas Market, a Christmas Concert (in a school), a Christmas Fayre (in a different school) and a Christmas Party (in a pub). I also remember buying a Christmas Tree and giving & receiving a number of Christmas presents.


Must be the Alzheimer's.

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Perhaps that's because for years the English tried to claim the Union Flag as their own, or referred to Britain as England and vice versa i.e. implying that those who weren't English weren't British.


The Britons were not an exclusively English tribe. Check this link for details:




Considering that England has been invaded by the Romans, Saxons and Normans it could be argued that English cannot really claim to be Britons as the English Britons would have been wiped out or assimilated by the aforementioned invaders.


Finally, we have not been partitioned into states within the Union. We are 4 separate nations within 1 state, which is the Union.


Where do you think these English Britons came from.

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I was once proud to be British but now we are an embarassment around Europe and across the world. We are known for being boozed up trouble makers. It is a minority who have given us this reputation but everywhere you go as soon as people see you are British (English, Scottish Welsh or Northern Irish) you are given a wide berth just incase.


We have one of the highest deficits of the developed world and our government is another source of embarrassment. One of the things we have that we can be proud of(because a lot of countries around the world love it) is the monarchy. I am not a royalist but am proud of the reputation our monarchy has around the world.

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