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Speed humps damaging your vehicle.

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I have no issue with the humps that are the full width of the road and are correctly and evenly laid.


However the stupid little orange square DO damage vehicles, even if they are travelling a a reasonable rate ie less than the speed limit. There are some not far from my house and you can see the gouges from where the exhaust systems have impacted.


Even my own car catches on some, it's FACTORY standard as far as the ride height is concerned & the exhaust is as tight up the the underside as it can be (also FACTORY standard).


On the ones that have caught and really made a noise, I've pulled over to check my car and also looked at the hump. Everytime they to be proud of the road surface at all four corners of the hump. Corners that SHOULD be flush with the surface.


The other annoyance about them is the insistance on 3 of these abreast a TWO lane road, meaning you have to slow to a crawl and navigate around them rather than a straight and steady course.


It's really annoying when they place those square humps (speed cushions) so close together that if two vehicles travelling towards each other meet at the speed cuchions, one has drive over them to one side taking one side of wheels over the bump instead of either side, 'cos there isn't room for both vehicles to pass over them correctly.

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The aptly (:roll:) named 'speed cushions'... they are a menace. Speed bumps should not damage your car when you go over them at 20mph but these little <REMOVED> do. I don't see why we have to deal with these daft little speed 'cushions' just so buses can drive past the humps without being affected.


Not just busses, most vans and and 4x4 can go straight across them and they won't even touch.

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The area around Carterknowle Road is terrible for these, I just don't bother going down there any longer. Absolutely no way I would ever consider buying a house round there simply on the grounds that I'd have to drive over hundreds of these every day - I don't know how the residents put up with it.

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easy way to solve this, drive over EVERY speed bump at 5 miles an hour, cause utter chaos to traffic, gridlock sheffield and then everyone complain to SCC about the damage they are doing to cars and send them the bills, after a few hundred of these then its gonna make the news and then they gonna have to start answering questions about why they justify these monstrosities :hihi::hihi:

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The AA was called out to my car last week due to a flat battery. I was talking to the AA chap and commented that he must get fed up at the sight of flat batteries, and he replied that flat tyres were the most common call out but tyres and batteries were about 50% of his work. So I then asked what was the next most common call out request, and he had to think about it for a while before replying, "coil springs, I must have two or three of them a week now". So I then said, "I bet that's due to speed humps?"


His reply was as follows, "Well, I've just got back from a conference and we were talking about this. I'm attending to two or three cars with coil spring damage a week, whereas my colleagues that work in areas where there are no speed humps just don't come accross this problem at all. So yes, speed humps ... "


My wife's Golf needed two coils replacing in two years, she only does about 3,000 miles per annum and I have never known her to exceed the speed limit ever. So I'm going to have to disagree with Heading North.

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Not just busses, most vans and and 4x4 can go straight across them and they won't even touch.


That's true, the smaller the car the worse you are affected, but I believe planner1 told me the speed cushions were put in place, instead of speed bumps, for the convenience of buses... who cares about car drivers, right? :shakes:



Never thought of that shaz, are these bumps another bash at forcing folk to use public transport while at the same time hitting us with higher road tax?


Yes, most definitely.

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The area around Carterknowle Road is terrible for these, I just don't bother going down there any longer. Absolutely no way I would ever consider buying a house round there simply on the grounds that I'd have to drive over hundreds of these every day - I don't know how the residents put up with it.

I think it's Carterknowle Road that is mainly responsible for the two damaged coils on my wife's car.


As for the residents putting up with it, let me just add the following. A few years ago, myself and other residents on our road were included in the consultation process to agree to having speed humps installed as part of the next stage in the area.


I have to say that the papers/drawings we received, just as detailed as the information we received from our architect when we had an extension built, must have cost a fortune. :loopy:


Talking to my neighbours, most of them with children, soon made me conclude that none of us would be prepared to put up with them, that we would be ticking the "no thanks" box on the return forms.


Some time later we received conformation from SCC that due to unanimous resident disapproval at the top of the road there would be no speed humps installed there, but because three residents had approved in the bottom half of the road they would be installed there.


Three residents! That's all it took. There must have been more than ten times as many disapproving, but they don't count unless they are all in unanimous agreement.


This is crazy. I can only think that once speed humps have been offered, fear of litigation if a single resident approves and their child is then involved in a car accident, is what results in these schemes getting pushed through despite resident disapproval. The alternative view would be that the decision has already be made, residents consultation is a mere formality that has to be undergone, but can be carefully ignored unless they annoyingly agree with each other 100%.



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