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Ian's legacy (fatal victim of homophobic attack)

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I don't think she attacked him for being gay, how could she have known he was gay ? More likely she just attacked anyone at random, and he just happened to be gay. If she has attacked someone black it would be reported as a racist attack. She is just a nutter who probably hates everyone equally.
You may be right, but the news report says this
Ruby Thomas's sentence included an extra year for yelling "f****** faggot" which sparked the attack.
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Sympathy for the Man's family and friends, having spent most of my life in Hackney in London, I've been aware of so many sickening crimes that one can't really help but become cynical and jaded.


perhaps, but we have all seen sickening things, but are sickened still when we see more. taking away the needlessness and depravity of one crime because we have seen worse or that it is 'less' to us than others is not only worrying, and in itself, questionable, it needs to be actively discouraged.

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She could shout that at any random guy in Trafalgar Square to provoke a fight, gay or not.


I'm not trying to excuse her or anything, but I think reporting every tragedy that befals a gay person as being motivated by homophobia is a bit missleading.


I agree if the victim of a mugging or whatever happens to be gay it should not be classed as a homophobic, an attack preceeded by homophobic abuse and with no other motive being revealed in court, and the judge accepting it as an aggrevating factor - if that's not an attack motivated by homophobia then what is?

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She could shout that at any random guy in Trafalgar Square to provoke a fight, gay or not.


I'm not trying to excuse her or anything, but I think reporting every tragedy that befals a gay person as being motivated by homophobia is a bit missleading.

you do have a point here. the same for other crimes that resemble hate crimes.

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She could shout that at any random guy in Trafalgar Square to provoke a fight, gay or not.


I'm not trying to excuse her or anything, but I think reporting every tragedy that befals a gay person as being motivated by homophobia is a bit missleading.


you do have a point here. the same for other crimes that resemble hate crimes.


With respect I think you're both barking up the wrong tree here - I don't think the notion that 'any tragedy that befalls a gay person as being motivated by homophobia' is in any way realistic.


There are too many people being bullied, humiliated, living in fear or being physically abused or killed because of their sexuality for us to trivialise it by pretending that it's some kind of con pulled by gays to get attention or compensation.

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A awful crime perpetrated by a drunk who just happened to be born with a silver spoon in her mouth,a deadly combination ,but for this instance add on maybe a hundred more that happen regularly on a weekend in any town or city,some of the victims are, like this man,unlucky and pay the ultimate price ,some are "lucky" and just wake up with a sore head ,you dont hear about those though A,because the perpetrator was a female..B because of her status as a ex public school pupil and C,because the victim was gay..just another normal weekend that the Police face every week.

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With respect I think you're both barking up the wrong tree here - I don't think the notion that 'any tragedy that befalls a gay person as being motivated by homophobia' is in any way realistic.


There are too many people being bullied, humiliated, living in fear or being physically abused or killed because of their sexuality for us to trivialise it by pretending that it's some kind of con pulled by gays to get attention or compensation.


if it sounded like i was trivializing the case, or that it was some 'con' that's not what i wanted. i said he had a point because crime does occur sometimes with no other motive than just, well, none really. or money, or whatever. and if this happens, it should be called as such. a gay couple was robbed for their money.

a disabled man is conned in an e mail scam. a house belonging to a black family is burgled. if the motive in all these crimes was merely money, it is right it should be reported as such. nothing more.

i did point out in other posts that i do think this was a homophobic attack.

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A awful crime perpetrated by a drunk who just happened to be born with a silver spoon in her mouth,a deadly combination ,but for this instance add on maybe a hundred more that happen regularly on a weekend in any town or city,some of the victims are, like this man,unlucky and pay the ultimate price ,some are "lucky" and just wake up with a sore head ,you dont hear about those though A,because the perpetrator was a female..B because of her status as a ex public school pupil and C,because the victim was gay..just another normal weekend that the Police face every week.


The day we accept these attacks as part of 'everyday life' though, is the day when we should give up life on earth as a bad job.

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