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Clyde/Clive Morris


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I suppose it must have been circa 1956, I was a pupil at All Saints School on Sutherland Rd. One day a big black lad turned up, the very first. He stood head and shoulders above everyone in school but that didn’t matter, did he get it. Called all the names possible and we took turns to hit him. Well we didn’t know any different in those days.


Ten years later I discovered Motown etc and I remembered Clyde/Clive and what we did to him. It has remained with me all these years. Does anyone know of him as I would like to meet him if only to ask his forgiveness.

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It was Clive. Don't know where he is now but I remember my first meeting with him in a corner shop on Sedan Street. He was wearing a Firshill School blazer (complete with short trousers) but started at All Saints soon after. Can't say as I remember any bullying of him.

The resident school bully at that time was Gill minor who got a recent mention in this context on a Burngreave Secondary thread.

Edited by Jim Hardie
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I remember Clive Morris I sat next to him at Burngreave school, the teachers thought it was funny because I was only small and he was nearly 6ft tall when he was only 13.I was only talking about him to someone who went to burngreave a few months ago,they told me Clive had passed away but I don't know if that is correct or not.

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I met a Clive Morris only a handful of times. I worked occasionally with his wife Audrey. If this is the same Clive then he and his wife were a lovely couple.

In the Sheffield Star of Dec 24th 2010 Clive Morris made comments about a vicious assault on one of his sons , so he was alive thenand was living in the Longley area.

I never twigged on he was related to Mopsey.

Star Star are still performing.

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  • 11 years later...

I remember Clive as I lived near Sedan Street in rhe early 1960s. He used to hang around with a lad called Stanley Johnson who lived near him. They were quite the polar opposites with Clive being a tall (for his age) West Indian and Stanley having red hair and freckles.

If I have this correct; There was, in the mid-late 60s, a Reggae/Rock band around called The Pitiful Souls, I think Clive was a member with fellow West Indians from Pitsmoor the Walcott's -Leroy, Joe and Ted. I think Clive and the Walcott's may have been cousins. I hope I got most of that right from 60 years ago.

Edited by St Petre
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