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Electronic tagging, have we realised its full potential?

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Do you know of any boom industry that is not self-diminishing? Nothing lasts forever and my plan puts an end to benefit fraudsters! Not bad is it. :)


it just makes us spend millions we don't have, to catch people who would have found jobs anyway or who'll just find a new way to trick the system. we'll then be left with heaps of redundancies when we have to let everyone at the 'department of tags' go coz there's nothing for them to do. then the usual suspects just get back up to the old tricks again.

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isn't the idea to deport them if you can catch them. why tag them, so you can let them go again? chipping is never gonna happen.


If you watch UK Border Patrol you will see that if an illegal is caught and they do NOT have a passport they are required to report into a police station daily until their case is heard.If they have a passport there sent to a holding centre and deported ,most illegals without a passport are never seen again hence the tag or preferred chip.

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They do, mobile phones.


Can you tell where my mobile phone is?


If you can, please pm me and let me know ... I haven't seen it for weeks but it's in the house somewhere.


One of the major arguments against ID cards was the price. Pet microchips now only cost a few quid; if somebody came up with a GPS-enabled microchip, you might be able to get the price down to about 20 quid.


I'm sure the government would think that was a good idea.


(Well, if the Condems didn't like it, Labour would be bound to go for it. - After all, they are the opposition and they'll oppose anything, won't they?)

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If you watch UK Border Patrol you will see that if an illegal is caught and they do NOT have a passport they are required to report into a police station daily until their case is heard.If they have a passport there sent to a holding centre and deported ,most illegals without a passport are never seen again hence the tag or preferred chip.


the chip's not gonna happen. the slavery thing you mentioned earlier. or the Jew numbering in the Holocaust. the similarities are too much for anyone to go through with it.

those without passports pretty much just get their visa eventually. not much can be done. so, tags would be redundant, i think. but it's an intriguing idea.

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Nope. Not in the slightest. Unfortunately dole cheats are a good deal more inventive than you are.


You are right but do not posess lateral thought. The innocent will conform and their tag data will be in order. The cheats will find a way of giving false data. When the 'enforcers' (lateral thinking you see) come round and visit, the good people will be indoors as they should be and the bad people will be on theit toes. Process of elimination.

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You are right but do not posess lateral thought. The innocent will conform and their tag data will be in order. The cheats will find a way of giving false data. When the 'enforcers' (lateral thinking you see) come round and visit, the good people will be indoors as they should be and the bad people will be on theit toes. Process of elimination.


so the unemployed should always be indoors?

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the chip's not gonna happen. the slavery thing you mentioned earlier. or the Jew numbering in the Holocaust. the similarities are too much for anyone to go through with it.

those without passports pretty much just get their visa eventually. not much can be done. so, tags would be redundant, i think. but it's an intriguing idea.


You and Mr Gobby have completely got the wrong end of the stick, this has nothing to do with chips inserted under the skin. These tags are placed on the ankle, a bit like a sweatband. A little discomfort may be felt for the first few hours but after that people forget that they are there.

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so the unemployed should always be indoors?


No, the beauty of the tag is that the perimeter of it's range can be set to allow the wearer to move freely in the garden or yard of their premises. The wearer can move outside the tag perimeter but must be aware that they will be questioned under oath about their whereabouts during these periods......Look, I no it needs work but the basic principal is sound.

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You and Mr Gobby have completely got the wrong end of the stick, this has nothing to do with chips inserted under the skin. These tags are placed on the ankle, a bit like a sweatband. A little discomfort may be felt for the first few hours but after that people forget that they are there.


tags yes. they have chips in them. when people talk of 'chips' it's almost always inserted under the skin. i only brought up chips coz it was mentioned.

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