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Electronic tagging, have we realised its full potential?

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Well whats the point of that? If you're GPSing them you surely want to track their every movement? Why not go the whole hog, you could fit burst transmitters that record audio and maybe even visual data, not all the time just so it records for maybe 2 minutes every 2 hours and then fires this back to HQ so you can see and hear what their doing.


You might also want something that monitors the DNA of the person wearing the tag so they can't put it on someone else or the dog for a few hours and maybe allow you to shock them if you suspect they are doing something illicit and then you can condition people into good behaviour, you could even go the other way and have it so it releases endorphins through the skin to reward good behaviour.


Come on man, you're not thinking it all the way through!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:


Good lateral thinking, but your idea may be breaching human rights.

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You are right but do not posess lateral thought. The innocent will conform and their tag data will be in order. The cheats will find a way of giving false data. When the 'enforcers' (lateral thinking you see) come round and visit, the good people will be indoors as they should be and the bad people will be on theit toes. Process of elimination.



This isn't lateral thinking, this is critical thinking. If you knew what either term meant you'd see that.

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This technology is great for keeping tabs on people awaiting trial, but I have always had a talent for lateral thinking and once again I have come up with quite a smart idea. Anyone who is claiming unemployment benefit should be fitted with one of these tags. This way any job interview they claim to attend can be logged and any movement outside their homes during working hours can be questioned. Not too shabby eh? :) What say you wise forumers?


Your idea isn't feasible.

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