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Richest 1000 take their money

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You can't. To freeze assets held abroad requires international agreement. Which is why I specifically said that it was impossible to seize assets held offshore without a legal means.


true. and if we do seize even the assets of just four or five we might as well shut up about china's human rights records and stop lecturing the world on morality and democracy coz we'll be none the better.

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i have to keep repeating myself because my point is being ignord. as for the idea your right the old will freeze the poor will get shafted and the super rich will get richer. unless we wake up stop being drones and say to them its your turn to do what the rest of us have been doing since this nation was founded. all it takes is the will. they know this thats why they throw enough of us crumbs, just enough to keep enough quite.


Your point is taken apart, analysed and exposed for the idiocy that it is.


You keep repeating it because you can't answer the simple questions about how theft can be right, how destroying the countries economy is a good thing or how you can even implement such an idea.

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true. and if we do seize even the assets of just four or five we might as well shut up about china's human rights records and stop lecturing the world on morality and democracy coz we'll be none the better.


Completely. We'd need to exit the EU, stop trading with most other countries and probably end up with UN sanctions against us.

The next 5000 richest would immediately move their assets and persons from here to somewhere else, companies would pull out, investment would stop, the stock market would crash and most of us wouldn't have jobs a few days later.

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i think his point was about the relative effect the taxes have on the payer. 20% kills the guy on minimum wage, but not so much the billionaire.


No, that wasn't his point. He was confusing them paying 24% of the nations income with them having paid a rate of 24% tax. Which probably explains a lot.

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the one merit your idea has is the concept that those that can must do more than they do to help those in need. that's honorable and to be encouraged. they should be asked to do it, if their own natures don't move them to it already(very few Gates and Buffets in the world) but to loot them would not only mess the economy, the country's human rights record and the employment market up, it'd also send the massage that there's no point working hard coz we'll sooner or later come get it.

the guys with land passed down to them from centuries ago, though, might be 'persuaded' to do with less.




30 of the richest people in the US (and elsewhere?) have already pledged to give away at least half of their money.

Philanthropism isn't dead. But clearly neither is greed or envy, so it's too early to celebrate.

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30 of the richest people in the US (and elsewhere?) have already pledged to give away at least half of their money.

Philanthropism isn't dead. But clearly neither is greed or envy, so it's too early to celebrate.


i know. but 'pledges' have been shown to be empty many times over the years. it's a good start though. and at the bottom end we need to stop with the obsession with living beyond our means because we 'need' new clothes every week, new TV every year etc, or the apathy that 'we're being shafted anyway, so why bother even trying'.

the change needs to be across the board.

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The next 5000 richest would immediately move their assets and persons from here to somewhere else, companies would pull out, investment would stop, the stock market would crash and most of us wouldn't have jobs a few days later.
And when that next 5000 had gone, the 5000 below them would feel the attentions of the radical left, and the cascade would continue until we're just left with dole monkeys wanting more money from any selfish filthy rich fat cats on more than £200 a week.


I’ve found this to be quite a surprising thread. I've grown used to the left bias of Sheffield Forum (to be honest I heard of that before I joined), and sometimes see threads that amaze me because of the blinkered obsessively left wing views that some people push on here.

Based on that, when this thread opened I was expecting a lot of people (no names) to be supporting the OP, but the sensible responses, even from those who I perceive to sit on the left side of the fence, really have been refreshing.

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And when that next 5000 had gone, the 5000 below them would feel the attentions of the radical left, and the cascade would continue until we're just left with dole monkeys wanting more money from any selfish filthy rich fat cats on more than £200 a week.


I’ve found this to be quite a surprising thread. I've grown used to the left bias of Sheffield Forum (to be honest I heard of that before I joined), and sometimes see threads that amaze me because of the blinkered obsessively left wing views that some people push on here.

Based on that, when this thread opened I was expecting a lot of people (no names) to be supporting the OP, but the sensible responses, even from those who I perceive to sit on the left side of the fence, really have been refreshing.


this would be left wing politics. it would be what a party that's the polar opposite to one that sees the BNP as left would try. it's madness. the guy who suggested is pretty right wing from what i can see.

ps-there a good number of right wingers on here too:-)

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