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USA owes 1.5 trillion

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Back to the point (which you guys have seriously deviated from) how can these kinds of figures have gone un noticed.


Very true when a bank can inform us if we are a few £ overdrawn, they wouldnt wait until we are a few millions overdrawn would they

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I agree and your right but am i not entitled to an opinion?


Ive done three operational tours my second was in iraq that might not be anything next to your expriences of combat but I didnt agree with the war an to be perfectly honest felt we shouldnt be there but as a soldier you crack on an deal with the worst thats thrown at you as am sure your aware


I was prepared to deal with that but i wasnt prepared to see me or my friends hurt or killed by ill trained friendly american soldiers granted we were ill equipped but i dont recall any americans going home with missing limbs due to the british blue on blue


Both Governments american an british failed us anyway i feel this is going slighty of topic of the original post so i shall retreat back to the kitchen an cook my gammon egg an chips :thumbsup:


Once again i appologise if my opinions have caused any offence :hihi:



I dont know what the circumstances were as you haven't supplied any details so cant make further comment

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When presidents give their state of the union addresses they avoid the nitty griity details. Obama stated that there would be around 500 billion cuts in domestic spending which leaves me wondering exactly what cuts and affecting whom?

He said the economy was improving. Fair enough, but the housing market is still in the doldrums and the unemployemnt rate still at around 9.5 percent. The Dow has reached the 12,000 mark which is good news but in the present circumstances will it be sustainable?


I had to chuckle at the Republican response to his speech. "We have to cut the size of government, slash spending , do something about this deficit or we will be in the same situation as Greece, Spain, Ireland and the UK"

How ironic that under George Bush the size of government grew considerably and by the time he left office the deficit had reached almost a trillion dollars already.

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This amount of debt just boggles my mind and makes me feel a little sick. What the hell?! What are we doing to future generations?! When you're in a hole, STOP DIGGING!! :rant:


Oboma just couldn't wait to get in the Big House and borrow all that money, now he want's to borrow more money to build bridges & roads, thats ok, his kids & grandkids won't have to worry will they ? his kids go an vacations that only onther kids dream about, all at tax payers expense, his wife eben take Oprah with her :rolleyes:

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So if all those big lending institutions, the banks, General Motors and Chrysler hadn't been bailed out what would have happened? I hate to think

Even more unemployed than we have now for a start. It's easy for republicans to criticise which is all they do mostly without offering alternative solutions.

Much of the financial mess that came about was caused by deregulation. And we know who did that


Still, I did vote for Ronald Reagan and I'm glad I did. He was one republican who had it all together.

When Bush took over there was no deficit. Eight years later the economy was going down the hole and the deficit already at least 500 bil.


IMO we should stop spending billions overseas and use it to rebuild our infrastructure. The next time I drive across the Oakland Bay bridge I dont want it collapsing under me because there wasnt a few million in the kitty to upgrade it. ha! ha!

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Oboma just couldn't wait to get in the Big House and borrow all that money, now he want's to borrow more money to build bridges & roads


The man is mad, you don't need bridges and roads, it's not like you all drive everywhere.....oh, hold on.

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The man is mad, you don't need bridges and roads, it's not like you all drive everywhere.....oh, hold on.



The state took around six million dollars from my town's budget to upgrade streets, sewers and water works. That was taken to help close the 23 billion dollar state deficit.

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The man is mad, you don't need bridges and roads, it's not like you all drive everywhere.....oh, hold on.


We have plenty of bridges & roads, few new ones wouldn't hurt if it wasn't being done with more borrowed money...he said... WE DO BIG THINGS, yes with other peoples money for our grandchildren to pay back.....ours not his.

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