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Sheffield cabbie kicks out women for having beer in her shopping

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Alison Dawson was not going to drink the alcohol in the taxi. The taxi driver was very intolerant of her beliefs. There should be a special tribunal set up to investigate the disturbing incident - and then the taxi driver should lose his licence and be ordered to undertake equality and diversity awareness training.


Because a woman made up a story about him? There's no way this story can be true! Plus, what beliefs?

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Well if her account is accurate I think it should be investigated


Alison Dawson was not going to drink the alcohol in the taxi. The taxi driver was very intolerant of her beliefs. There should be a special tribunal set up to investigate the disturbing incident - and then the taxi driver should lose his licence and be ordered to undertake equality and diversity awareness training.


From the article quoted in the first post:


Sheffield Council’s chief licensing officer Clive Stephenson said: “We cannot comment on this incident in detail because it is an ongoing investigation."

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I can't believe you good people of Sheffield missed this one ... it has everything ... muslims ... taxis ... beer ...






Anyway, I've lit the touchpaper now I'm off.




Does this mean that the Sheffield Star beat SF to a story?


Edit: Damn you andygardener.

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From the article quoted in the first post:


Sheffield Council’s chief licensing officer Clive Stephenson said: “We cannot comment on this incident in detail because it is an ongoing investigation."


Good, should be very interesting

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There's been a rash of stories recently with disgruntled passengers making up stories about supposed intolerance which has later been proved to be untrue and just a method of 'revenge' for the customer against a person working in public they feel has slighted them.


For example the woman who claimed she had been thrown off a bus for breast feeding and the two women who claimed they had been thrown of the bus for wearing a burqa.


In both those cases CCTV proved that the allegations were totally untrue and in the case of the women with the burqas that they had actually been the aggressors.


It's very easy to make allegations about this type of thing.

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the taxi driver should lose his licence and be ordered to undertake equality and diversity awareness training.


Good suggestion. I think the training should include exercises in which he is required to pick up a serving soldier in full dress uniform, wearing medals awarded for service in Afghanistan, with a bacon sandwich in one hand, a bottle of Stella in the other and a Staffie in tow.

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