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Dangers Of Drinking Diet Coke

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If you drink a lot of diet Coke it may be bad for you.


If you drink water it may be bad for you.


If you sit down and drink 5 or 6 litres of water, it may well kill you.


Fish pee in water (and that's not all they do in it.)


Water is very dangerous stuff. It is made of two kinds of gin, oxy-gin and hydro-gin.


Oxy-gin is pure gin, hydro-gin is gin and water.


Some years ago there was a (California-induced) panic about the carcinogenicity of tonic water. According to the State of California, one of the ingredients of tonic water (quinine) "has been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals."


I asked a Doctor (he'd just bought me a large G&T) and he said "Indeed it would. You'd have to drink about 50 gallons of tonic water to get a dose of quinine as big as the one fed to the rats. The gin would probably kill you first, though."

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Thanks to the OP. I was pretty ill and had loads of neurological test, etc - no one could work out what was going on. I started to search for answers myself and someone told me a guy they worked with had major problems from aspartame. I'd tried everything else I'd heard about, so I cut aspartame out of my diet. It wasn't easy - I had to add an extra couple of hours on to my shopping time, the first time, to look for alternatives, as almost everything has it in, from yoghurt, salad cream, to chewing gum. Cutting out aspartame was the equivalent of giving me my life back. If you're worried about your health/feeling unwell, with no medical explanation, try cutting out aspartame and see what happens.

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If you drink a lot of diet Coke it may be bad for you.


If you drink water it may be bad for you.


If you sit down and drink 5 or 6 litres of water, it may well kill you.


Fish pee in water (and that's not all they do in it.)


Water is very dangerous stuff. It is made of two kinds of gin, oxy-gin and hydro-gin.


Oxy-gin is pure gin, hydro-gin is gin and water.


Some years ago there was a (California-induced) panic about the carcinogenicity of tonic water. According to the State of California, one of the ingredients of tonic water (quinine) "has been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals."


I asked a Doctor (he'd just bought me a large G&T) and he said "Indeed it would. You'd have to drink about 50 gallons of tonic water to get a dose of quinine as big as the one fed to the rats. The gin would probably kill you first, though."



I feel the above very really. My Docter, oh oh dbvjkl ab; ljv ljvb jlvb ljv bvlj vjl bvj bvj bvj vj bvj sdksksksksk


Sorry, the water I drank over the last few hours and the rocks I ate earlier, just had an effect on my nervous system. We are all going to die. Me first, I should have left the toxins in my body.

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Thanks to the OP. I was pretty ill and had loads of neurological test, etc - no one could work out what was going on. I started to search for answers myself and someone told me a guy they worked with had major problems from aspartame. I'd tried everything else I'd heard about, so I cut aspartame out of my diet. It wasn't easy - I had to add an extra couple of hours on to my shopping time, the first time, to look for alternatives, as almost everything has it in, from yoghurt, salad cream, to chewing gum. Cutting out aspartame was the equivalent of giving me my life back. If you're worried about your health/feeling unwell, with no medical explanation, try cutting out aspartame and see what happens.


Indeed. Some people can be made ill by prodcuts containing phenylalanine and diet Coke has a warning on the can advising people of the substance.


I suppose you would only be wary of it if you knew you had phenylketoneuronics problem - and most people would (presumably) find out the hard way.


I've just been eating Mixed Nuts. The can has a big warning label on it advising me that it contains nuts.


I wonder how many people in the world are allergic to phenylalanine?


I wonder how many are allergic to nuts?


If you were to drink diet Coke, it appears it would cause you a problem.

If I - along with many other people - was to drink regular Coke, that would cause me a problem.

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