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Who is the worst Tax shirker?

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I guess that means the answer is no, you did not volunteer any monies to HMRC for which they had not issued demands. You too then are a tax shirker! As am I and probably everybody on this thread.


You really haven't understood this have you. :huh:

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I doubt Wildcat is a billionaire unlike Green. How much money do these people want?


So the principle of making unwarranted tax demands outside the constraints of the existing tax system is wholly dependant on the mob, picking and choosing who they see fit as they're next target for whom ever they see fit as having 'should' have paid more tax.

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You get 10 choices look on the righthandside of the page for why they received their nominations:


Barclays: Owns no less than 181 companies in the Cayman Islands to shift the Tax burden from the bank on to you and me.


Boots: who have managed to cut their tax bill tenfold by relocating to a Swiss Canton.


Google: avoids paying more than £100m a year in UK tax and £3.1 billion in tax globally by using a technique that moves most of its foreign profits through Ireland and the Netherlands to Bermuda.


George Osborne: failed to scrap the domicile rule that costs us £3 billion a year in potential lost revenue.


HMRC: successive cuts in staffing have resulted in £120 billion in tax lost


HMV: and similar retailers avoid £150 million in VAT each year through Low Value Consignment relief.


KPMG: fined $456 million for criminal tax fraud.


Philip Green and Arcadia Group: gave his wife in Monacco a £1.2 billion dividend costing the taxpayer £285 million


SABMiller: avoids an estimated £20m of taxes in Africa and India every year, enough money to educate a quarter-of-a-million children there


Vodafone: recently let off a £6billion tax bill




It is a tough choice, but for the sheer audacity of the £1.2 billion dividend I think my vote would go to Philip Green.


Who would you vote for?

And how many jobs does Phillip green provide?..............and he can only eat 3 meals a day! live in one house at once! drive one car at once! even if he does have a bigger choice than all of us............the old socialist envy does'nt really wash! there are millions of ordinary people dodging tax one way or another illegally, as has been trotted out on many previous threads!........... but wearily once again, till the laws of the land change, Green does it legally......... YAWN!
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Surely the title of this thread should be "Who is the best tax shirker?"


They're all a lot better at it than me. I've even failed to claim the tax on the professional subscriptions that I have paid for the last 6 years.


I therefore nominate myself as the "worst" tax shirker.



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So the principle of making unwarranted tax demands outside the constraints of the existing tax system is wholly dependant on the mob, picking and choosing who they see fit as they're next target for whom ever they see fit as having 'should' have paid more tax.


Did I say that??? People who are struggling to make ends meet have to pay their taxes whilst people like Green who can easily afford to pay, seeks to exploit loopholes so that he doesn't have to pay his dues. What sort of message does this send out?

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Should is a moral should.... like any moral term it reflects an individual's sense fo right and wrong, a sense developed and informed by our experience of society and how we would want society to be.


The difference is I don't hire accountants to advise me how to transfer money about the place to avoid £300 million in taxes. That in my view is anti-social and immoral.


Do do you pay what you think you should, our do you just pay the amount that you asked for?

If you run a business you have little choice but to use an accountant as you have to work out for yourself how much you owe, an accountants job is to calculate this to the minimum legal amount, not to make some sort of moral judgment about it.

So both you and philip green are paying the amount of tax they are legally obliged to. Unless you are going to tell us that you volunteer to give extra money to hmrc...

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