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Pubs why are they so quiet?

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Mines a tetleys pal, cheers. Did you see the match today? Ere, I here t'local boozers shut down. Lack of custom. Be that smoking ban I tell thee...


It wer packed in't Welly t'night...wall to wall totty as well, young models out to catch a firm round bellied beer spotter to take home to her millionaire Dad.


(part of this post may be garbage)

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Agreed Mel. I mean even twenty, fifteen years ago exercise went hand in hand with boozing. Footie training followed by a few pint. Same applied to Rugby etc. Now its gym, sauna, detox! And then theirs shopping, the cinema etc. Why go to a pub for a chat when we can sit on the net and do it. I have a tinny, I bet you guys do to.....


Granted, but I'm a bit of an alco.


Nothing stopping daytime exercise/sports, I still do it, but after I tend to be drinking and chatting with the forum crew or round a friends house rather than a pub.


Ok the pub is expensive, but it ain't your house, you don't have to clean up and you have an easy on the eye woman serving you. That's fine. You pay for a service and get a service.


It's the being asked for ID.

Punished for smoking.

Daft policies regarding hats.


It's become a legal procedure. The conversation is about whether you are carrying identifying papers, smoking regulations, the ability of identifying persons wearing hats of various types with cctv.


It's not a social outing, it's a fkin ordeal.


If a woman out of work opened her kitchen up and served tinnies, emptied ashtrays, removed empties and whacked up a dart board, I'd gladly pay £1 a pop, I'd even fetch her the beer in a 60p or less a go.


If she layed on sarnies and a biscuits/cake I'd pay £1.50 a tinnie.


In my house I have an ash tray in every room and I go to the pub less than once a week.


2006 before, pub everyday for a pint, at least 1, normally 2, sometimes more.


As I smoker I won't regularly socialise in a place that you cannot smoke.



Going for a drink is not just going for a drink if your a smoker, it's about going for a drink where you can smoke.


We have quite a lot of Sheesha places in Sheffield now. The only point of them is to smoke and socialise, you drink tea.


It's the muslim equivalent of a pub, but it is halal, ginger tea instead of ginger wine.

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I thought smoking clubs were banned under the legislation which banned smoking in pubs?




There are quite a few shisha dens in Sheffield.


We have had a few smoking pubs too, but with the anti smoking nazis, they tend to stop after a while and move elsewhere or stop all together. I've seen some boarded up for months which were thriving till somebody complained to the authorities and warnings sent!


Such a shame for the community when one twt who goes once a year decides to moan.

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chem 1st,

You also forgot to mention that these days you have to be very careful what you say in a pub. Also, it 's a bit dangerous telling some kind of jokes [ best to get them censored first ! ]. In fact, strong opinions are better left unsaid, just to be on the safe side. As you said-----it 's all rather an ordeal than a pleasure-----an expensive ordeal !

I 'm sure a lot of men, these days, would sooner be shopping with the missus or putting shelves up at home. They 've been brainwashed I 'm afraid by the Nanny / Mommy / Safety First State. Sitting in pubs, boozing and smoking ?? " OMG We 've still got to go to IKEA for that lovely chair ! "

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Went in t' Penny Black yesterday at 5pm ... it was pretty busy .....i normally drink Cider (around £3 a pint ) but they'd got Carlsberg on at £1:79 ....i had 3 pints of that during my time there..:thumbsup:


But you didn't have to, that's the point

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