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Pubs why are they so quiet?

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i think you have got this post wrong, im totally against smoking and if you read the thred from the start you can see what i put. i worked in the pub trade before the van and used to have to change shirts 3 times in the day because of the stench of the fags. the smoking ban is a good thing, its a shame it wasnt brought in sooner


I was referring to rampents comment actually

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I have noticed on my travels that you see more and more kids outside pubs these days, more so in the summer.


They hang around the smokers who because of a stupid law are forced to go outside. I think this causes more kids to get into the drinking habit. It's a bit like the kids hanging around shops asking people to buy them a packet of fags. There are always going to be those adults who are irresponsible enough to buy some teenager a drink the same way they would fags.

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I have noticed on my travels that you see more and more kids outside pubs these days, more so in the summer.


They hang around the smokers who because of a stupid law are forced to go outside. I think this causes more kids to get into the drinking habit. It's a bit like the kids hanging around shops asking people to buy them a packet of fags. There are always going to be those adults who are irresponsible enough to buy some teenager a drink the same way they would fags.


That's odd, I just look at smokers hanging around outside pubs in the cold and think "what a bunch of losers. I'm not going to end up like one of them."


I don't think anything discouraged me more from taking up smoking than that. I suppose a quick look at cigarette sales figure since the restrictions were put in place will show which one of us is right.

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That's odd, I just look at smokers hanging around outside pubs in the cold and think "what a bunch of losers. I'm not going to end up like one of them."


I don't think anything discouraged me more from taking up smoking than that. I suppose a quick look at cigarette sales figure since the restrictions were put in place will show which one of us is right.



Anna, I never mentioned the sale of cigarettes in that context so I don't know if your right or not.


Since I don't go into pubs I only know what I see and I see lots of teenagers hanging around with the smokers outside pubs and have seen them snatching the quick drink off of them.

That bothers me more than if someone is smoking in a pub or not or whether it effects the sales of fags. Anyway I would have thought the gov putting the tax on fags up making it over £5 a pack would have maybe effected the sales, would it not?

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But you didn't have to, that's the point


I was waiting for some friends at the time ...( i dont mind Lager , especially at £1 a pint cheaper than most pubs )... I love Cider .. ( been suppin ' the stuff for 44 years ) ...but when you can get Lager a lot cheaper than Cider , why not ? ....same as Smoking ...freedom of choice innit ?

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Anna, I never mentioned the sale of cigarettes in that context so I don't know if your right or not.


Since I don't go into pubs I only know what I see and I see lots of teenagers hanging around with the smokers outside pubs and have seen them snatching the quick drink off of them.

That bothers me more than if someone is smoking in a pub or not or whether it effects the sales of fags. Anyway I would have thought the gov putting the tax on fags up making it over £5 a pack would have maybe effected the sales, would it not?


I doubt it has any relevance whatsoever. Almost every corner shop has loads of teenagers hanging around trying to get someone to buy them booze or fags. The corner shops sell the stuff in cans and bottles so the kids can get out of sight to drink it, and they can buy really crap cider at a fraction of pub prices. So in answer to your question I doubt that folks smoking outside pubs has encouraged any kids to drink.


However 50 years ago Holywood films tried to make smoking look cool and sophisticated. I'm sure that image persuaded some that a fag in their fingers was all they needed in order to pull. The sight of some soaking wet wretch having a drag down a back alley isn't quite the same as Cary Grant in Holywood. If that image puts some kids off smoking it is a very positive thing.

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I stopped going to pubs long before the smoking ban, - Loud music that makes it impossible to talk to people, crap behaviour of people that are looking for a fight, cost, badly watered down drinks, overcrowding, cost of getting to and from a pub if you're not in walking distance. There are also places that I prefer to go such as a nice restaurant where I can have a meal and a discussion or a coffee shop.


The rise of social networking on the net might have also have had some effect on the numbers going down the pub for their social lives.

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I stopped going to pubs long before the smoking ban, - Loud music that makes it impossible to talk to people, crap behaviour of people that are looking for a fight, cost, badly watered down drinks, overcrowding, cost of getting to and from a pub if you're not in walking distance. There are also places that I prefer to go such as a nice restaurant where I can have a meal and a discussion or a coffee shop.


The rise of social networking on the net might have also have had some effect on the numbers going down the pub for their social lives.


It all depends on the pub. The ones I go in don't have any music, no-one is ever itching for a fight, the beer is excellent and it costs me £2.80 return on the tram, if I decide not to walk.


I have my friends on facebook but we still meet down the pub as we always have done and always will do.

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