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Pubs why are they so quiet?

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10 cans of carling for 7 quid in Sainsburys, you can smoke in your own house, watch what you want, say what you want, invite who you want.

Wheres the incentive to go to the ale house these day's unless your meeting the lads for the match or going for something to eat with the family.

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The only pubs that have closed are the ones which haven't changed and adapted with the times.


Pub Co owned pubs will continue to close, not because people cant smoke, but because they squeeze every last penny out of landlord through silly rents for pubs that are falling down and charging them through the nose for beer through the tie arrangements. This pushes the retail price to customers up and they stop going.


Why go to your local when you can go to a wetherspoons pub and pay £1.50 per pint less for the same stuff?


exactly! with that happening and supermarkets selling cheap booze theres no wonder pubs are closing, not because of smoking ban. i go to the pub more now it's non smoking, happy days

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With less choice of which pub to choose , due to the mass closure of pubs since the smoking ban was introduced.


Have you spotted the conection ?


So nothing to do with people having less money to spend then? With Beer at arround three Pounds a pint and another thirty pence due to go on it soon. Perhaps we have more important things to spend our money on like food and fuel(Gas, Electricity and Petrol) http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2011/01/22/price-of-pint-of-beer-to-go-up-by-30p-115875-22866441/ To me the smoking ban means i now do go into pubs, so perhaps there would have been more pubs closing if the smoking ban hadn't come in when it did (speaking personally)

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why do you think pub are so empty.i think this can be layed at the door of the smoking ban what do you think.



plenty of good pubs closed before the smoking ban. i am sorry but if you cannot go without a fag for a few hours, you are a very sad person

i am glad the smoking ban came into place because my clothes dont stink after a night out now

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plenty of good pubs closed before the smoking ban. i am sorry but if you cannot go without a fag for a few hours, you are a very sad personi am glad the smoking ban came into place because my clothes dont stink after a night out now


I'm sad then. Clothes smell better with nictotine on them. It's a proven fact. I saw it on BBC 4.

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The smoking ban is the best thing that ever happened


At least I can actually taste my over priced pint now!


Here, here, best thing ever, and blaming it for the demise of pubs, what a load of tosh, smokers and fat people, the victim mentality....

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bbc4, you must be the only person that watches that channel because i dont know anyone who does


It is full of wonderful programming. You should stop watching ant and dec talking gonads, and learn some informative and entertaining facts. At the same time.

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