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Mubarak is not a dictator

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Lame argument, you posted a post asking for them to be defined, but it was you who used the term "them" first!


think your detracting from the issue,

continuing with this pointles tit for tat is rather childish and i have begun to grow rather tiresome.

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i think you'll find i asked you a question at post 163 and your response in the following post was well done. anyway i aint got any more time to waste on you.


night night


Yes, I see. I asked you a question and you asked who "them" were, and from there it took numerous posts for you to realise you were using the concept of "them" prior to me and I was using it because of you. To me, it seemed that you used it as a cheap get out trick. You used the term then asked what it meant! :loopy:

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you're right. i was going on what we learned in history classes in the old country. which has been proven wrong.





the british and the concentration camp thing ,only seems to come up with me when I get into arguments with afrikaners in bars about aparthied. .they usually start off ,or finish off the argument with (WE love mandela):suspect:btw which country is your old country?

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So, when it all kicks off in a bit, i.e. these planned marches turn violent because of the right wing extremist elements stirring up trouble and they try to take over the buildings of state, and force the military's hand into defending them. Even we all know the outcome of this scenario, will it still happen and be complained about?

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