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Mubarak is not a dictator

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Wait until some ranting anti-American replacement takes his place and see how it will rock your world down the road :D


If the US didn't spend billions propping up dictators like Mubarak 'ranting anti-Americans' wouldn't be able to make political capital of it. They are largely a product of American foreign poilicy. The US only supports Mubarak because he is pro-Israeli.

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So that's your excuse for blindly supporting US foreign policy. Most British people realised that the empire was morally bankrupt and practically unsustainable 60 years ago. You could take a leaf out of their book with regard to the increasing dangerous US foreign policy.


Instead you are attempting to justify the hypocrisy of going to war to bring 'democracy' in some countries while happily supporting vicious dictators in others as part of the US fanatical pro zionist policy, which benefits nobody except zionists.


Dont make me laugh. Nothing to do with morals. The fact was that Britain had no choice but to give up the colonies. It was either that or get kicked out by force. Had the colonies been willing to accept the contuing dominance of Britain the Empire would still exist today and quite happily so for the British people and the government.

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What interests? It wasn't the oil as so many in their ignorance like to claim.

The fact is the US imports very little middle east oil these days. It's Europe which has benefited from the the peace which has existed and the US which has maintained the balance of power by extending monetary aid to both Egypt and Israel.

Mubarak may be a dictator in the eyes of Egyptianss but beware of what you wish for.

Wait until some ranting anti-American replacement takes his place and see how it will rock your world down the road :D


Surely this must be the post of some beastly pith hatted British coloniser, possibly played by Alan Rickman, and not the "land of the free(ok apart from the slaves for quite a while)" anti-colonialist freedom fan that posted this about 3 posts ago?

The colonials probably never "defended" the barbarity either per se. They merely ignored it. Turned a blind eye. Attributed it to "some native thing"

Just so long as the flow of wealth and trade went on uninterrupted

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There is a much bigger question...if the Middle East implodes, which would be a good thing, tyranny overthrown, despots removed etc...what is going to replace some of the governments? Liberal democracies or theocracies?


The problem with allowing the will of the people is that sometimes the people aren't very nice.

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Dont make me laugh. The fact was that Britain had no choice but to give up the colonies. It was either that or get kicked out by force. It took Ghandi after considerable effort to start the ball rolling for the rest of the colonial possessions.




I suppose you would know, being British yourself. BTW, Southern Ireland was the first colony relinquished, before Ghandi's time.




Your assumption that the US is fanatically pro zionist shows your abysmal knowledge of the country and the views of it's leaders


Successive US governments have blindly financed, armed and supported Israel, no matter how badly that country has behaved . That could be reasonably interpreted as pro zionist by any objective observer.

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If the US didn't spend billions propping up dictators like Mubarak 'ranting anti-Americans' wouldn't be able to make political capital of it. They are largely a product of American foreign poilicy. The US only supports Mubarak because he is pro-Israeli.


Dont forget Israel came about as a result of British policy. Hore-Belisha a leading Jewish British politician in the 1920s got Britain involved in Palestine with the aim of establishing a Jewish homeland and it had a lot of support in the British parliament.

After WW2 Britains' mismanagement and lack of oversight of the Jewish refugee problem in Palestine allowed Jewish terrorists to go on the rampage and drive out Palestinians from their property and lands.

You cant change the facts of history. Europes long intolerance of the Jews ranging from discrimination to bloody pogroms to the holocaust was the root cause of a Jewish desire to seek a homeland.

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I suppose you would know, being British yourself. BTW, Southern Ireland was the first colony relinquished, before Ghandi's time.




Successive US governments have blindly financed, armed and supported Israel, no matter how badly that country has behaved . That could be reasonably interpreted as pro zionist by any objective observer.



Britain and France have done very well in supplying military hardware to Israel so dont kid yourself. The Israeli army was equipped with British made tanks for decades and their air force armed with French built aircraft.

Were the politicians in London and Paris and the arms manufacturers very much concerned about the "bad behaviour of Israel?" :hihi:

I'm sure even today that both countries are still busily supplying arms to Israel and to all the Arab countries

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More likely to be eventually taken over by Iranian style Islamic extremists.

Compared to them Mubarak is a pussycat.

Prepare for a great big war in the middle east, Israel vs the rest if some fanatic gets into power in Egypt.


don't talk rubbish, The Muslim brotherhood are not fanatics and they are not about to wage war on Israel. If they do get into power they will support the Palestinian cause which is what makes them popular among Egyptians and the Arab world in general.


The west has got to understand that its only Israel that views Hamas Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood as terrorists. The majority of Arabs regard these groups as heroes and supporters of the Palestinian cause. One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter as the saying goes.

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Dont forget Israel came about as a result of British policy. Hore-Belisha a leading Jewish British politician in the 1920s got Britain involved in Palestine with the aim of establishing a Jewish homeland and it had a lot of support in the British parliament.

After WW2 Britains' mismanagement and lack of oversight of the Jewish refugee problem in Palestine allowed Jewish terrorists to go on the rampage and drive out Palestinians from their property and lands.

You cant change the facts of history. Europes long intolerance of the Jews ranging from discrimination to bloody pogroms to the holocaust was the root cause of a Jewish desire to seek a homeland.


I don't doubt it. My ancestors all came from Ireland and were on the receiving end of the worst of British colonial policy, so you are preaching to the converted here.


However, that happened in the past, and as such, we can't change it. What the US is doing now is something they have a choice about, and their bad choices in continuing to prop up people like Mubarak and blindly support Israel can not be blamed on what Britain did 60 years ago.

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