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In public a paragon of Christianity in private a violent wife beater.

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Would that be the same Stephen Green that was given a pulpit by the BBC recently?


Oh dear, yes it was ...


BBC: Gay execution supporter interview was required to ‘balance’ Elton John baby coverage


How many wife beaters are going to be lined up for Thought For The Day I wonder. Unruly children and disobedient wives need to know their place.





This is worthy of discussion, I hope the mods don't pull it again.

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I know !.Was a great thread.


Didn't see any bad language/content etc so i'm not sure why this one was pulled.

There was one pulled a bit back for naming and shaming a company that weren't honoring Groupon vouchers (which was really useful to me as I have the same vouchers), yet there's numerous threads doing the same, take the Worse Chippy thread for example, or the one last week complaining about N-Power. Doesn't seem to be much consistency. Think it depends which Mod is reading at the time.

I also had one pulled for masked swearing but I come across loads of threads with swears in them.


Would be useful if the Mod doing the pulling would explain why.

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I didn't see the thread. Could it be that they are unproven allegations? And that's in no way a defence of him, he's horrific enough as he is and a story like this would not surprise me in the least, but I know SF seems to be becoming increasingly sensitive to legal technicalities like that.

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I didn't see the thread. Could it be that they are unproven allegations? And that's in no way a defence of him, he's horrific enough as he is and a story like this would not surprise me in the least, but I know SF seems to be becoming increasingly sensitive to legal technicalities like that.


This is a Daily Fail article, so I don't see any reason for SF to be concerned:



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