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Are the media partly responsible for riots in this country?

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There was a pretty impressive demonstration in London today by students up and down the country. However, it got the briefest of mentions on the news bulletins I watched today. The news was all about the riots/protest in Egypt. Fair enough, of course it warrants more time of the broadcast, but to spend about 95 per cent of the news on it, and then giving the London demo just a fleeting mention, at the end of the bulletin, almost as if it's not really worth mentionning, is wrong, in my opinion.


If the protest had turned violent in London today, we all know it would be the main thing on our screens, and what's happening in Egypt would get less coverage than in London.


Is this not sending the message to protestors that if you don't riot, you don't get heard?


Are our news providers in this country, conspiring with the government, and against the individual, in playing down the large number of peaceful protests happening up and down the country, but yet when protestors misbehave, they're in the media spotlight for months? The other week we had loads of time given to the student who was sentenced for throwing the fire extinguisher but I would also liked to have heard how the lad is doing who was hit on the head by a police officer, and then had a stroke, but there's no mention of that.

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what's the point of any more protests?


everyone knows that students are going to have to contribute to the cost of their education and that decision is pretty much made.


i'm not sure if the cuts are responsible for the increase in fees, the report commissioned by gordon brown and the previous government seemed to be in favour of a massive increase in fees and had labour won the election then they would have implemented that. the policy embalked on by the coalition is not as extreme as that in the report.

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what's the point of any more protests?


everyone knows that students are going to have to contribute to the cost of their education and that decision is pretty much made.


i'm not sure if the cuts are responsible for the increase in fees, the report commissioned by gordon brown and the previous government seemed to be in favour of a massive increase in fees and had labour won the election then they would have implemented that. the policy embalked on by the coalition is not as extreme as that in the report.


It's this attitude that is the reason we never manage to change much in this country.

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We have a pretty 'free media' in this country. It is all part of the democratic process. However, the media often sensationalises issues for its own agenda, i.e. TV progs, newspaper sales etc. It will even go as far as to 'set up a demo' and encourage gullible individuals to mis-behave.

If we are to keep our freedoms and our basic democracy then we have to put up with the media 'using us' now and then. iT'S THE PRICE WE HAVE TO PAY. The trick is to spot when and where we are being used. Students are young idealists, their intentions are good but they are easily manipulated. Without protests we would end up as downtrodden slaves.

More power to the students elbows.

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