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Wondering why we cant be like these countries

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So? Tunisia is an amazing place hopefully it will soon settle down again.


What makes a good holiday destination doesn’t necessarily make for a suitable place to live ……….. the thread was about “Best places to live to avoid world conflict” …… would you really want to live in Tunisia or Morocco.

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Looking at the pictures it would be Papua New Guinea and The Seychelles, and I guess there is the plus for the climate( think I am having withdrawal symptons from sunshine), but I guess knowing what kind of country Switzerland is and how it is run, I guess it would be Switzerland. A) because it is not too far and B) because it is beautiful C) it is well run.


Downside it is very expensive.

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What makes a good holiday destination doesn’t necessarily make for a suitable place to live ……….. the thread was about “Best places to live to avoid world conflict” …… would you really want to live in Tunisia or Morocco.


Yes I would in Morocco.

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The UK sees itself as a major player in world politics, hence we will never have a peaceful, isolated existence, happily getting on with our own affairs.


I've been to 5 of those 10 countries in the link, very nice but nowhere is perfect and there are down sides to all places.


Which 5 did you go to?

Which did you prefer?

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what a uneducated fool?


You're the one that appears to be "uneducated" (no capital letter to start sentences, "a" when you should have used "a", absent apostrophes).


i been and it is miles better then sheffield i can assure you


Why are you still here then?:D

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Yes I would in Morocco.


I remember going to Tunis on a school cruise when I was about 13. All I can remember about, is as we were only there for half a day and moved on somewhere else,was we were told to hold hands with a boy when we went in to the local market as the traders always came up to girls and spoke to them. I didnt like the fact that you had to bata with them if you wanted to buy something. I guess it may be similar in Morocco?

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What was the weather like? What time of year were you there?


July / August, it was hot but not too hot although there was high humidity ………… if we get to go again I would like it to be earlier or later just to see a bit more snow although snow capped mountains and glaciers in July was pretty :cool:

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Which 5 did you go to?

Which did you prefer?


I've been to Canada, New Zealand, Finland, Iceland and Switzerland.


NZ is very varied, much of it is like 1950's rural England, but then you get cities like Auckland with all the inherent problems associated with cities. The North Island is volcanic and spectacular, the South Island rainy and spectacular.


I only saw the wilderness of Finland, went dog sledding for a week in Winter, minus 28 degrees and 4 hours of daylight.


Switzerland was just a stop off interailing when I was a student.


I had a fantastic time in Canada a couple of years ago. Did a tour of the Rockies and Vancouver. It's just such a vast wilderness, spectacular and largely unspoilt with a laid back attitude.


The most recent was Iceland for 2 week tour. Again I was taken by unspoilt wilderness and the quirkyness of the place. European but out on a limb, a mixture of familiar things with the downright bizarre. Great food, nice people, expensive beer.


Hard to say where I preferred, I'm edging towards Iceland though.

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