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Drugs are here to stay..Like it or lump it!

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It's about time people realised that drugs are here to stay and something needs to be done about it!


Drugs have been here way longer than people have and why should it be up to a small minority of powerful controling suits as to whether we use these drugs??

Alcohol and nicotine are far more dangerous than crack, heroin and cocaine put together and more people die by using alcohol and nicotine every year than people using crack, heroin and cocaine put together!


The problem is not the drugs, the problem is the lack of education and rehabilitation. The ignorance and the fear of governments!


It's not just about the dealers on the streets and the crime in the UK caused by the drugs trade. It is also about the people who risk their lives and their families lives to produce the drugs in the first place. These people have no choice but to run the risk because they are so poor that they have no option but to work for criminals.


All it takes in one simple move, make all drugs legal, tax them and spend more on education and rehabilitation. The money saved from stopping this ridiculas "war" on drugs would pay for this 10 times over!


Lets face it, there is no war on drugs! The government are throwing millions away every year because they choose to be afraid!

People will always have access to drugs, nothing will ever stop that!

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The stark reality of this issue is that the “war on drugs” is a massive failure, and always will be. The drugs industry is worth an estimated £6.6 billion a year and, perhaps ironically, is one of the most resilient and recession proof sectors in the UK. And just like any successful entrepreneur, those that make the most money from this industry are ruthless, cutthroat and expert at exploiting their customers and outrunning the legal system. Our government has thrown a bottomless pit of money at the drugs trade, but it has made almost no difference to the fact that I, and almost anyone else with a half dozen friends, can get a bag of cannabis, ecstasy or cocaine delivered in about the same amount of time as a pizza. I’d go further and say that prohibition has been counterproductive, without which a burgeoning drugs trade would not be directly contributing to so many of society's ills; from knife-wielding inner city gangs to international terrorism.


Prohibition has always been an out-of-touch, middle class solution; ban it, the thinking goes, and they’ll have to stop using it. And while the politicians see this as logical, the criminal gangs that control the drug trade are laughing all the way to the money launderers. James Brokenshire talks of the “misery, cost and lost opportunities of dependency”, but prohibition is precisely what causes that dependency, as drug dealers are free to callously target those they know are most susceptible to drug addiction.

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If you support prohibition then you're either a black market profiteer, a terrorist, a corrupt politician, a sadomoralist, a wing-nut socialist or a fake-conservative.


If you support prohibition then you've helped trigger the worst crime wave in history, raising gang warfare to a level not seen since the days of alcohol bootlegging..


If you support prohibition you've a helped create a black market with massive incentives to hook both adults and children alike.


If you support prohibition you've helped to make these dangerous substances available in schools and prisons.


If you support prohibition you've helped put previously unknown and contaminated drugs on the streets.


If you support prohibition you've helped to escalate Murder, Theft, Muggings and Burglaries.


If you support prohibition you've helped to divert scarce law-enforcement resources away from protecting your fellow citizens from the ever escalating violence against their person or property.


If you support prohibition you've helped to prevent the sick and dying from obtaining safe and effective medication.


If you support prohibition you've helped remove many important civil liberties from those citizens you falsely claim to represent.


If you support prohibition you've helped create the prison-for-profit synergy with drug lords.


If you support prohibition you've helped escalate the number of people on welfare.

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Drugs do have a destructive effect and arguing that other things are more destructive is not justification for legalising them.


I used to know a lot of people that used various drugs. Eventually they were forced to accept that one way or another they were having seriously detrimental effects on heir lives, - anything from the ability to think rationally to simple breathing/fitness issues.

You're a fool to take drugs unless you have a genuine medical need.

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Arguing that they are far less destructive when legalised and regulated, is an irrefutable argument for legalising them.


But the argument put forward is that those drugs that have been legalised are more destructive.


On that basis legalising them would make it worse, not better.

Face it, - it would be better if those fooling themselves that taking drugs is good/acceptable would just face up to the fact that taking drugs is something that fools do because someone else told them it was cool.

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But the argument put forward is that those drugs that have been legalised are more destructive.


As proof that the current drugs policy is hopelessly inconsistent, that works just fine. For proof that criminalising drugs is more destructive than legalising them, you can examine the USA during the Prohibition period, or the UK's drug problem prior to the late 60s when heroin was available on the NHS (I'll give you a hint, we didn't have one), or any of the countries, such as Portugal, which currently treat addicts via a health service and have all but wiped out drug-related crime.

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Drugs do have a destructive effect and arguing that other things are more destructive is not justification for legalising them.


I used to know a lot of people that used various drugs. Eventually they were forced to accept that one way or another they were having seriously detrimental effects on heir lives, - anything from the ability to think rationally to simple breathing/fitness issues.

You're a fool to take drugs unless you have a genuine medical need.


Why are you a fool for wanting to have a good time? Why are you a fool for wanting to enjoy your youth?


You are only a fool when you don't know when to stop!


I have taken drugs in the past. I dodn't hurt a single person and I had agreat time!

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