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Drugs are here to stay..Like it or lump it!

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Not quite, trying wandering around around non protected tourist area's of Mexico. Have friends who live in holland and most Dutch avoid 'The red light district' of Amsterdam like the plague. There is also a swell of support to start bringing back legislation of drugs in Holland.




I know wikipedia isn't the most reliable of sources, bnut if you read this link, you will find that drugs aren't actually legal, just tolerated and controlled.


Funny how most anti drug people really don't know what they are talking about.

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Exactly, throw legal drugs into the pot and it may become a complete war zone.


I've NEVER seen a fight between two stoned people, EVER!! It's not possible!


Look what happened with the 2000 European Cup finals in Belgum and The Netherlands. The level of violence between fans was much lower than normal, especially in Amsterdam!


How would you explain that??

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No, because I know how to cane beer with the best of them. Trust me, i've seen problems first hand caused by drugs, make them legal and a whole can of worms is open.


It't very easy to sit there and dismiss drugs like you are doing now.


Instead of using usless metaphors like "opening a whole can of worms", try to explaine your reasons instead!

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