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Drugs are here to stay..Like it or lump it!

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Glue and meths are legally available now. Do you know anyone who drinks meths and sniffs glue?


Not me personally, guess I'm selective of the company I keep.


But the idea you had is flawed, if you think legalizing it for certain people in society will cut out all the seedy & criminal aspects of it. Those who are not already addicted will still go to the dealers and sustain the trade.

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Winners Don't Use Drugs is the name of an anti-drug slogan that was included on all arcade games imported into North America for 11 years from 1989—2000.


The slogan has been parodied in the Xbox Live Arcade/PlayStation Network title Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game, saying "Winners Don't Eat Meat."

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Perhaps your mind is stupified by the rubbish you are either injecting or taking orally believe me, I can tell by just talking to anyone who is a regular user of even cannabis that they are addicted and reliant on drugs.

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I must drink in different places, I never seen a queue at the bar with people asking for syringe full of beer.

90% of UK adults drink alcohol.


What is the percentage of people who inject heroin in the UK? (it's about 0.005% known takers btw, I'll save you the trouble)... if alcohol was made illegal tomorrow, I'd bet that more than 0.005% would attempt injecting it. But what you would see though, is a huge illegal black market demand for this poisonous substance. As has been seen before, when prohibition was tried in the past.

Yes, some people abuse alcohol and kill themselves with it but many millions drink alcohol without taking it to excess and without causing themselves any problems due to their intake - few drug users would fall into that bracket.


I would entirely agree... if it wasn't for the 40,000 people that die each year from alcohol?, that figure could be 3 times that if families didn't want the reason for death to be placed on the death certificate... or the £3.1b cost to the NHS, or the £7.3b cost to the police. Or the real victims...

“Every year, there are almost 1.5 million victims of violent attacks committed by people under the influence

of drink (excluding domestic violence)


I can link any of those claims. Any of my quotes, feel free to say 'link this'.


None of any counter claims could make me believe that if alcohol was a new drug, that it would be made legal if it turned up tomorrow. However, new drugs, or illegal drugs don't bring in huge finances to governments... who are actually currently attempting to make even more money, by telling us these obvious facts, then taxing them even more, to encourage us to stop.


all drugs should be illegal and the fines should be massive and the sentances long.The money earned would be in billions!

Supply and demand. See how much it cost to buy alcohol during prohibition. And more importantly, who controlled it.

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Perhaps your mind is stupified by the rubbish you are either injecting or taking orally believe me, I can tell by just talking to anyone who is a regular user of even cannabis that they are addicted and reliant on drugs.

Ever wondered why 90% of the UK drinks alcohol (orally)?

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All the arguments for legalising can be used as an against. Alcohol and tobacco are dangerous substances, yet I can walk in almost anywhere and buy. The only real argument is who do we want as the pimp? At the moment we have two. A legal and illegal pimp.

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Legalising hard drugs would not mean a free for all, it would mean taking the power away from the dealers and criminals. It would mean a safe supply to current addicts and no supply to anyone else.

It could mean taxable income for the government on the softer drugs such as cannabis, which would soon fill the empty coffers.

We could legitimately work with the poppy growing farmers of Afganistan, which would go a long way to removing the Taliban's power base.

The police could divert resources to something more useful... the list is endless!


Prohibition has failed. End of. The illegallity of drugs means nothing to a lot of people nowadays. The majority of the deaths around the globe associated with the illegal drugs trade are due to the fact that drugs are illegal & controlled by criminals. If drugs were legal & controlled, then most of these deaths can be prevented.


Who says illegal dealers would vanish from the face of the earth if, say, cannabis was legalised? If Cannabis was sold legally in shops it would probably be quite pricey like Benson and Hedges are, so dealers would still ply their trade and be cheaper than the shops.

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George Micheal could have killed someone, or himself recently when he Wham'd his car into the side of a shop whilst off his face on, according to you, perfectly safe Cannabis :roll:


So what? Drug driving is illegal and no-ones suggesting it shouldn't be.

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