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Drugs are here to stay..Like it or lump it!

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Meaning clearly the drug adled bonzo. A man who is clearly a drug addict.


Your proclivities I make no comment on but allying yourself with mr drugs will clearly cause comment.


I don't know bonzo from adam. And I can think for myself.


Comments like 'Mr Drugs', make me think you are just one of the very influenced people that I was categorising.

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Did you mean me being influenced by the media ash?

If so where has your point of view come from?

Unless you hang around with the people dealing drugs or human traffc, or are a regular in the drug growing countries,maybe you pop over at harvest time to lend a hand?

Your opinion is also based on media if not! A different view from different media thats all.

My opinions are based on what i see with my own eyes and have done for years.

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Yellowperil, your opinions are based on what you see with your own eyes yeah?

How many people on cannabis have you seen slashing someone with a glass, or fighting in the street, shouting obscenities at people, staggering about after losing control of their movements etc


For each you can name, I can show you a thousand examples of a some of these, every weekend in town. You will see with your own eyes.


Have you ever been in a club/event where they don't serve alcohol, and various substances are taken instead? You will have used your own eyes to see how little police presence is required, because there's no trouble. No one fighting, or people being sick or arguing etc.


Unless you hang around with the people dealing drugs or human traffc, or are a regular in the drug growing countries,maybe you pop over at harvest time to lend a hand?

So the only way I can understand drug use is to hang around drug dealers, or helping people chop down plants? Have a word.

Your opinion is also based on media if not! A different view from different media thats all.

Well this is quite a good read :)

My opinions are based on what i see with my own eyes and have done for years.


You might be using your eyes to see things, but your brain is logically working things out incorrectly...


all drugs should be illegal and the fines should be massive and the sentances long.The money earned would be in billions!

Tried, still tried today... doesn't work

The criminal gangs will always exist,if drugs become legal they will move on to something else! and who knows what it will be.

If all these criminals do become out of "work" then they might have to nick my car stereo to get by eh?!

And as for the addict staying alive,well no comment there.

The saying goes "you live by the sword.........

You've blown your own argument in the first sentence before writing your opinion.

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Great post ash,the only problem ive got with it is youve taken all the quotes ive made from different posts and in different orders and tailored them to suit !!,great job though. Lol

Some of the quotes youve used are answers to questions from other posters!

Id urge people to read the whole thread.

In answer to one of your questions to me,no,ive never been to an event where people are under the influence of "other substances" as you put it,you must have though to comment,are you yourself a drug user?

Like ive said before on this thread,the only people ive ever known to be pro drug use are users themselves or have been.

The comment about you hanging around with dealers etc was in response to the comment you made about me being influenced by the media, your comments are based on different media,pro drug legalisation media,as you have proved by providing a link to it!unless you do hang around with these people yourself like i said.

Drink is legal and used by a far greater portion of the population than illegal drugs,therefore any reference you make between drinkers and drug users behaviour will also be proportionate.

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