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Drugs are here to stay..Like it or lump it!

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Why should we give them a safe supply?


If you think back to the early/mid 60s, all drugs were legal in the UK; yet there was very little "drug related crime". Things changed after the introduction of the Drugs (Prevention of Misuse) Act 1964 (which only related to amphetamines - in fact, heroin was legal until as late as 1971 in the UK). Prohibition has increased drug related crime.


George Micheal could have killed someone, or himself recently when he Wham'd his car into the side of a shop whilst off his face on, according to you, perfectly safe Cannabis :roll:


One incident (I doubt it was only cannabis he had in his system though). How many accidents occur each day by people "off their face" on alcohol?


Like those off their heads on intoxicating substances like Cannabis?


and alcohol, and heroin, and crack...


I am sure that Keats, Shelley and Byron would have contributed to this very thread had they still been around....


Queen Victoria would've too.

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Originally Posted by Hots on

George Micheal could have killed someone, or himself recently when he Wham'd his car into the side of a shop whilst off his face on, according to you, perfectly safe Cannabis


One incident (I doubt it was only cannabis he had in his system though). How many accidents occur each day by people "off their face" on alcohol?


I'm sure the police did all the necessary tests on him to establish what was in his system.

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I'm sure the police did all the necessary tests on him to establish what was in his system.


What is it with cannabis that you have such a spectacular OTT reaction to it over (say) heroin, crack, alcohol?

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The young women you are talking about are forced to take drugs so thats not a choice,im on about people who turn to drugs of their own free will.


Why would the legalising of it cut the drug related crime? The workshy tos*ers who just get stoned everyday will still steal to buy the drugs because they have no work ethic or get up and go,plus theyll not get a job turning up stinking of cannabis!


Why the compassion for the people producing the drugs? are they doing it under duress? What risks do they face? must admit i dont know much about drug producing.


As for looking at the bigger picture i believe i am,im looking from the point of view of a well travelled and free thinking person,not swayed in any direction by anything apart from what i see.


There was a good programme on the tv, c4 I think called our drugs war. The journalist who presented it intended the programme to be an anti drugs programme because he spent many years of his life campaigning against drugs. He visited Afghanistan and witnessed the front line of the drugs war. By the time he had finished making the documentary he was 100% for the legalisation of all drugs.


People who live in poverty have no choice but to turn to illegal crime in order to feed their families. They can earn 10 times what they normally could from having a legit job.


There was also an episode of Amazon with bruce parry where he witnessed the production of cocaine in south america. The people making the drug earned so little that they had no choice but to risk the death sentence and work for criminals to produce cocaine.


If the drug was legal they could produce the drug without the fear of being caught and killed.

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Meaning clearly the drug adled bonzo. A man who is clearly a drug addict.


Your proclivities I make no comment on but allying yourself with mr drugs will clearly cause comment.


I smoke weed like, once every 2 weeks!


But, yeah you're right! I'm a drug addict! I drink at least 2 bottles of red wine a week, I drink FAR too much coffee!


Oh, and I'm a happily married dad with a job most people would kill for!


Wierd what some drug addicts can do with there lives isn't it??:huh:

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Great post ash,the only problem ive got with it is youve taken all the quotes ive made from different posts and in different orders and tailored them to suit !!,great job though. Lol

Thank you :hihi:


I'll write in the correct order then if it will please you. ;)

In answer to one of your questions to me,no,ive never been to an event where people are under the influence of "other substances" as you put it,you must have though to comment,are you yourself a drug user?

Yes I have, doesn't mean to say that I took owt. I've been the pub a few times and not drank alcohol.


Like ive said before on this thread,the only people ive ever known to be pro drug use are users themselves or have been.

Pro drug use? :huh: I've never suggested that people SHOULD take any drug.


The comment about you hanging around with dealers etc was in response to the comment you made about me being influenced by the media, your comments are based on different media,pro drug legalisation media,as you have proved by providing a link to it!unless you do hang around with these people yourself like i said.

I linked you to a document written for the the Centre for Crime and Justice

Studies (CCJS) at King’s College London, it is an independent charity

that informs and educates about all aspects of crime and criminal justice.


That's hardly the Daily Mail.


Drink is legal and used by a far greater portion of the population than illegal drugs,therefore any reference you make between drinkers and drug users behaviour will also be proportionate.


Do you mean disproportionate? Otherwise, you are saying there's no difference... hence why be illegal?

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Altering consciousness is a primal drive, just like seeking food, water, shelter and sex. Animals do it, we do it.


Some cultures discovered plants, yeasts and fungi that could get them off, others discovered fasting, meditation, spinning round and round, chanting, breathing patterns and so on.


You might want to spend 60 years living a life of brutal asceticism in order to perceive the universe as an infinitesimal speck, meet the eyes of god and experience the repeated death of your ego.


I don't think that road to enlightenment makes much sense. You want some time to enjoy the view from your third eye, after all.


Perhaps a little too sublime for here. It is said that cave art took off when mushrooms were discovered by our primitive ancestors. Who knows what enlightenmant came about through altered minds? As a species we seek to push back the boundaries of knowledge and that includes our relationship with mind altering substances.


As government, we seek to inhibit this process unless the tobacco and alcohol companies approve.

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I smoke weed like, once every 2 weeks!


But, yeah you're right! I'm a drug addict! I drink at least 2 bottles of red wine a week, I drink FAR too much coffee!


Oh, and I'm a happily married dad with a job most people would kill for!


Wierd what some drug addicts can do with there lives isn't it??:huh:


wot job is that ?

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