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Sheffield's record shops


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Whats happening to Sheffields independent record shops - my favourite shop store records has closed down - I can't think of any other places to get good quality alternative tunes breaks, funk, latin etc on vinyl?? Even virgin are pulling its vinyl line and the decks have gone :( Reflex do good drum and bass and nu skool breaks but nowt real down beat same goes for coolwax, and hmv.............. well its hmv!! Just wondering if all you vinyl junkies/dj's out there have a plan B cos I aint and I really don't wanna have to start using CD'J's and the internet - its just not the same you can't beat digging in the crates and as for CD mixing don't get me started!! I'm thinking maybe manchester or leeds - but i don't know any shops or shop owners - it takes a while to build up a relationship with people who work in record shops - the thought of starting fresh ina different city is just a nightmare!! Help!

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Sigh, I know what you mean boss! The times are changing, and the days of us vinyl junkies spending hours every Saturday digging in the racks all round town are coming to an end I fear.


Having said that, Lowlife is pretty good, and I never rated The Store that highly anyway. You may have to start using the web-net, in which case Juno is a good place to start, and in Manchester Fat City and Piccadilly are pretty good for the grooves you seek (plus almost next door to each other, if I remember rightly).


Sheffield seems to be having a bit of a nightlife renaissance recently, so maybe a record shop renaissance will follow as an inevitable consequence...




Let's hope so anyway, as it is rather pants at the moment

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Unfortunately I just think less people are buying records. Used to be that to find a certain tune you would have to buy it on vinyl - now just do an internet search. Sad but maybe us vinyl bores have been holding back the tide of "progress" for too long. The industry has been trying to get rid of records ever since the advent of the CD but had to continue due to the buying power of the junkies.


Unfortunately, all this mp3, cd, download music onto yer PC, phone and all that cobblers is just nowhere near as good as vinyl.


Store Records will be sorely missed. As with all good record shops you could find something you were looking for and something you'd never heard of. Think record shops struggled as nights that played their types of music decreased - there's a bit more activity again now so might stimulate.

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people seem to be mixing with cds/mp3's nowardays a lot more:suspect:


I'm sure there must be a good online store somewhere.


can't you order stuff from Soulwax? One of the stores does an ordering service I think

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