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Getting rid of my car.. how long will I last?

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The last time I needed to go to A & E I took a taxi. I hate being reliant on other people but as I get older am forcing myself to accept it gracefully when I must. One day you're going to have to learn to do the same from your daughters. Can hear them now "OH mother is so difficult. We want to help but she is so....."


Then keep a car.

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I will be SORNing the car, but do I need to notify the insurance as well to tell them I'm not driving it?


No you dont need to notify anyone if you are continuing to insure the vehicle,just Dvla/sorn For no tax if its expired.


If you cancel the insurance then Dvla req notice of that too.

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I got rid of my car last week, because the tax and MOT were both due and it would have been a struggle to find the money. I was originally going to SORN it and keep it on the driveway, but instead decided to sell it before the tax and MOT ran out.

This is my second week of not having a car, its not too bad. I work less than two miles from home, so I can always walk. We still have one car so my OH drops me off at work in the morning and I have to make my own way home. He doesn't work until 12pm, and on his days off I get to have the car, like today :D The shopping I will have to fit around his days off so I have the car, there are some small shops near my house for emergencies.

We probably don't need two cars. In a few months' time hopefully I will be able to save up and get another car for myself, but maybe I will get used to it and not be bothered, I'll have to see.

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i havent been able to drive for 6 months due to injury.

i needed the car before i was off work sick to get to and from work as buses didnt run at the times i worked.


now my place of work has been transferred to much nearer home so when i go back to work i can easily walk to and from (or get taxis home late at night) and i found that the only thing i really found difficult about not being able to drive was doing the monthly shop (i hate food shopping so only do it once a month). also eventually my place of work will change again and i could end up anywhere in south yorkshire.


before i had a car i used to walk everywhere, and have gotten back into that habit now.

soon my car will be back on the road, but i cant see myself ditching it. the convenience is too appealing and if i want to be able to visit my family i prefer the 2 hour drive to the 5 hours/3 trains debacle i would have to endure otherwise.


and its much easier to be able to make a list and buy lots of things and get them home on my 'hit and run' trips to meadowhell compared to the tram, then i dont have to go there more than once every few months....

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No you dont need to notify anyone if you are continuing to insure the vehicle,just Dvla/sorn For no tax if its expired.


If you cancel the insurance then Dvla req notice of that too.


Depending on where you keep your car I'm sure you can get a policy where the car is covered when its SORN or just take the risk.

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I will be SORNing the car, but do I need to notify the insurance as well to tell them I'm not driving it?


Personally even with the car sorned I would keep the insurance ongoing, at least your car would be covered for any damage should anyone attempt to break into your garage and attempt to steal the car.

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