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Homophobia: 5 charged with calling for execution of gays

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Whilst I dislike these peoples viewpoint, I think they should be allowed to express it. They weren't calling for any crime to be committed, they were just expressing the standpoint of their religion.


Let them off I would say and deny them any publicity. Their views are mediaeval, but they should have the right to express them if they want. The rest of us have the right to ridicule them.


Hmmmm .. I wonder if you would also allow people to express a viewpoint that Jews should be executed? After all, that too wouldn't be "calling for any crime to be committed"? Would you agree that people "should have the right" to call for Jews to be executed? Maybe you'd also allow people to distribute leaflets calling for the execution of people who have learning difficulties?


This issue isn't about a religious standpoint or any other motivating factor. It's about allowing people - your fellow citizens Nagel - to go about their daily lives without having leaflets shoved through their letterbox calling for their execution just because they are a Jew, or have a learning difficulty, or (as in this case) because they are gay.

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If the campaign is for a change in the law, then yes; if the campaign is to have people go around murdering Jews under existing law, then no.


How would you feel if people were leafleting in the street and through your letter-box, calling for you to be executed just because you were gay (or a Jew)?


The law allows our citizens to live their lives free of harassment and intimidation, irrespective of religion, sexuality or disability.


I've said this before on SF: I have no objection to anyone objecting to homosexuality if it is against their religious or moral views. Folk are entitled to hold whatever views they want.


It is an entirely different matter though when folk start campaigning for the execution of gays. Sexuality is not a crime in our civilised society.

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Now 5 people charged for distributing leaflets calling for the death penalty for homosexuals. When will the homophobic people learn that being gay isn't a choice?

Stories here:

Pair charged over 'gay execution leaflet' in first British 'sexual hatred' case


Three men in court charged with stirring up hatred of homosexuals



when they get rid of the backward medeival religions that criminalise them

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"religion .... should be secular" is an oxymoron.


I found another oxymoron here...


and it is the result of close working between the Crown Prosecution Service and the Police




These idiots deserve the maximum 7yrs and they should get a lash for every leaflet distributed, Sharia law style.


I disagree. 7 years x 2 people x £40,000?


For 560,000 quid, we could easily build a wall around Derby with them kept in it. That's is punishment enough.

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I'm not sure if anyone has missed something here but the death penalty was finally abolished in 1998. Consideration for the reintroduction would surely be based on the morality and ethics of capitol punishment rather than a specific reason, as their are many reasons you could introduce for.


The two concerned are more than likely sexually repressed in some form, agitated by their radical religious beliefs. I wonder if they'll call for the death penalty for masturbation...bit of an own goal that I'd presume.



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