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Which will be the next Arab state to topple?

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Which will be the next Arab state to topple?


Most Arab states seem like basket cases. Most seem to be corrupt dictatorships, but now even those once considered fairly stable seem to be coming apart at the seams.

The government fell in Tunisia the other week and Yemen and Egypt are on the brink. Iran recently held an election that every observer said was fixed, but most of the others don't bother with elections anyway.


Following the domino theory which will be next? Presumably we are wasting our time trying to instal democracy in Iraq.

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Asuming the transition to democracy is relatively sucessfull in Egypt and Tunisia then geographically it's going to put a lot of pressure on the Libyan regime. When everyone has a dictator then it's a lot easier to justify to the people, once a few regimes are removed and replaced with democracy it's going to get harder and harder for dictators to use the required force to keep their positions.

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Asuming the transition to democracy is relatively sucessfull in Egypt and Tunisia then geographically it's going to put a lot of pressure on the Libyan regime. When everyone has a dictator then it's a lot easier to justify to the people, once a few regimes are removed and replaced with democracy it's going to get harder and harder for dictators to use the required force to keep their positions.


Is Egypt after Democracy, or to just topple the dictator?


Many are suggesting it will become a hard line Islamic state run by the Muslim Brotherhood!

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Is Egypt after Democracy, or to just topple the dictator?


Many are suggesting it will become a hard line Islamic state run by the Muslim Brotherhood!

Irans revolution was not started by the muslim radicals they just took over at an oppotune moment just as Lenins bunch did in Russia.

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Is Egypt after Democracy, or to just topple the dictator?


Many are suggesting it will become a hard line Islamic state run by the Muslim Brotherhood!


We'll see, the MB have done next to nothing thus far and have backed al baradei as the prospective interim leader.


As they've been stuck with mubarak for so long it's impossible to tell exactly how the egyptians would vote in a free and fair election but given the huge economic dependance on tourism and the fact 20% ish of the population are Christians they would be bonkers to vote in a hardline theocratic government, (hows Irans tourist industry these days?) besides which the MB itself is a pretty broad church and once unbanned may not actually stand for election under a single banner (they always stood as independants previously).

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We'll see, the MB have done next to nothing thus far and have backed al baradei as the prospective interim leader.


As they've been stuck with mubarak for so long it's impossible to tell exactly how the egyptians would vote in a free and fair election but given the huge economic dependance on tourism and the fact 20% ish of the population are Christians they would be bonkers to vote in a hardline theocratic government, (hows Irans tourist industry these days?) besides which the MB itself is a pretty broad church and once unbanned may not actually stand for election under a single banner (they always stood as independants previously).


Could that be a foreseeable problem? Considering the dictatorship forced them by default into a collective. Once split up into smaller factions(and we all know what small radical factions can get up to) the nasty stuff could hit the fan?

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