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Tax Avoidance Protesters - why are they all so middle class?

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It may have an effect on them but it would be slightly hypocritical to protest tax avoidance whilst purposefully staying unemployed long-term, therefore not paying tax (as it the OPs case)


Sorry, I don't usually correct other people's post, but that should be "protest AGAINST tax avoidance" - I really can't stand the way we seem to be adopting the sloppy American use of "protest" - because it actually means the opposite of what the person is trying to say.


As for the OP - this whole thread is just a trolling exercise - have you seen the post where he claims he could easily get a job earning 20,000 plus per year?

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It makes me smile the way that some (usually right wing) commentators use 'middle class' as a term of abuse. For example in the recent student protests, the Daily Mail and the like were foaming at the mouth about all these priviliged kids demonstrating and protecting their own interests.


Mark Steele, the Independent columnist did a great article on this.




That's funny. Mark Steele cutting through the bull in his usual fashion.


I particularly like that bit where he points out that if it is unfair for the working claas to contribute to the education of people who could potentially become rich, it must also be unfair for them to pay toweards the hospital treatment of people who potentially could become rich so the most fair thing to do would be scrap the NHS as well.

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As for the OP - this whole thread is just a trolling exercise - have you seen the post where he claims he could easily get a job earning 20,000 plus per year?


Don't worry it's only Phil in incarnation 356. He's probably upset because his previous troll thread got closed yesterday.

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Is it? With my experiance and people i know, i can get a job at £25k+ easy, or i can start and be self employed again and earning 60k+, but i am so sick of the system and with crazy health and safety system, i be spending more time on paper work then doing the job, When the system changes and i can be bother i might start working again, Until then i am enjoying this carefree easy life


what you are saying is you are a good liar, clearly no-one would employ you with an attitude like that!

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It makes me smile the way that some (usually right wing) commentators use 'middle class' as a term of abuse. For example in the recent student protests, the Daily Mail and the like were foaming at the mouth about all these priviliged kids demonstrating and protecting their own interests.


Mark Steele, the Independent columnist did a great article on this.





I found this bit hilarious...I do like The Independent.


'Several commentators and MPs made similar remarks, including a panellist on Question Time who referred to the whole protest as: "Just a bunch of middle class students." Where do they get such information?


There must be an extreme polling company that wanders through the middle of riots asking; "Before that fire gets going can you tell me whether you regard yourself as social class A, B, C1, C2 or D?". Or they've heard from the police that all the Molotov cocktails used lead-free petrol so they must have been middle class.'

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I found this bit hilarious...I do like The Independent.


'Several commentators and MPs made similar remarks, including a panellist on Question Time who referred to the whole protest as: "Just a bunch of middle class students." Where do they get such information?


There must be an extreme polling company that wanders through the middle of riots asking; "Before that fire gets going can you tell me whether you regard yourself as social class A, B, C1, C2 or D?". Or they've heard from the police that all the Molotov cocktails used lead-free petrol so they must have been middle class.'


Or perhaps they only talk to the ones who don't smell too bad.

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Can't compete with the Labour Party for rif-raf I'm afraid.




Labour MP who branded middle class ‘hypocrites and drunkards’ spends night in a cell after being arrested for drink driving


You really can't beat the Labour Party for hypocracy. I suppose that's where you get it from.



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First off, I'm Sheffield born & bred, therefore not an Essex boy, although I'd be interested to know what you have against Essex boys. Do they count as "rif-raf" too?


Secondly, I'm giving you my personal experience, not my opinion. If that doesn't tally with your theory then quite frankly tough. Experience trumps theory every time.


My opinion as it happens is that it was a complete waste of time banning fox-hunting, but whatever my sympathies, the fact remains that this was and remains an upper class issue. No point in pretending otherwise.




Don't worry Uptown girl is another Southern Tory interloper who is here to point us towards the light!


Seem to remember her ages ago saying that she came from Bodmin.

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Oh sorry. Was it too complicated for your left wing brain to take in?


Allow me to help




General Election 2010: Labour candidate arrested over suspected drink-driving

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