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Tax Avoidance Protesters - why are they all so middle class?

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After watching the news, we have more and more protest groups such as UK Tax Uncut, and they all appear to have the same kinds of people in them.


Namely very posh and middle class. We have just seen a woman on newsnight saying "oy think its disgasting that boots are rather avoiding tax... what what"


We also seem to see some very well dressed student types looking like they are having a fun day out causing mayhem in legitimate businesses, smashing windows and swearing at the Shop Supervisor


Oddly, you never see any Jeremy Kyle Show types protesting about tax avoidance. On the marches with cans of stella and a staffy on a lead


So why have these middle class hoyty toyty suddenly found their voices? do they not realise that the working class had been completely shafted by New Labour while they were in office? higher taxes and lower wages have left many workers completely out of pocket.


Is it a case of "Oh Thatchers party is back in, lets go on the Rampage"


Ladonthedole, your posts are too well constructed to have been ellaborately created by the stereotypical Sheffield Chav. Most of the real chavs that frequent the forum write with a sheffield acceint in mobile phone language.

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I presume that was a joke. So its not about the content of the concepts, it's all in the name! So if I call myself the "Sunshine and flowers party" and go around killing people flowers and sunshine are clearly implicated?


Centralised statism with a tyrant for a head isn't Socialism I'm afraid.


Real Marxism does not deal with banks or their interests or their henchmen. National Socialism is about as Socialist as the Federal Reserve in the U.S is a Federal Bank i.e not at all.


There are quite a few right wingers who come out with that bizarre argument, essentially arguing that Hitler wasn't right wing enough. :loopy:

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After watching the news, we have more and more protest groups such as UK Tax Uncut, and they all appear to have the same kinds of people in them.


Namely very posh and middle class. We have just seen a woman on newsnight saying "oy think its disgasting that boots are rather avoiding tax... what what"


We also seem to see some very well dressed student types looking like they are having a fun day out causing mayhem in legitimate businesses, smashing windows and swearing at the Shop Supervisor


Oddly, you never see any Jeremy Kyle Show types protesting about tax avoidance. On the marches with cans of stella and a staffy on a lead


So why have these middle class hoyty toyty suddenly found their voices? do they not realise that the working class had been completely shafted by New Labour while they were in office? higher taxes and lower wages have left many workers completely out of pocket.


Is it a case of "Oh Thatchers party is back in, lets go on the Rampage"


Perhaps a better title of this thread might be "internet trolls - why are they usually right wingers"?

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Or at least like to think they are


Someone's bitter.



Cause they bums and on the dole and don't pay tax.


Except for on their fags and cans of cheap larger.



No. You are mixing her up with the others. She's the one who isn't in jail.


With NuLabia it's easy to get confused as to who's been jailed and who hasn't.



What is Tax?


It's what you pay on your fags and cheap larger.



Actually, tax avoidance does have an effect on benefit claimants.


Aren't you confusing tax avoidance with tax evasion?


Tax avoidance is the legal utilization of the tax regime to one's own advantage, to reduce the amount of tax that is payable by means that are within the law. By contrast, tax evasion is the general term for efforts not to pay taxes by illegal means.




One is legal, the other is not.

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Yes I'm on the dole


WE haven't been protesting - the middle class have suddenly found their voices


Lad on dole rhymes with windup troll-he loves attention and is best ignored.I presume he does not protest as his situation allows him to waste even more time

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Because they have nothing better to do.


Yes you're probably correct flowers. Although it is ironic that right whingers are always moaning about other folk skiving on the dole & not being hard working. Guess hard work is for others, while they chew the fat.

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Because the middle class are being hit with tax rises and other financial cutbacks which may have been less serious if business were paying the right amount of tax.


When a firm's accounts have been approved by the taxman, then they are paying the right amount of tax.

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