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Hallam FM's ex-DJ's - Where are they now?


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Originally posted by PerlOfWisdom

I remember Roger Moffatt getting thumped in a pub because he said on air that they were going to have Elvis stuffed and displayed in the Radio Hallam studio


Displayed in Hallam Reception actually, in their old Hartshead building next to the Star depot. And I think he was not thumped in a pub but there was a lynch mob waiting outside Hallam reception in Sheffield who chased him down the street, past the Dove and Rainbow and up that little passage that leads to High STreet......

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Just read all of this string. Wish I hadn't contributed now.


What the f'? Clublander? What's the deal with having a little snide pop at Matt and Emma like that? They're a good listen. They're nice, genuine people. Above all though, they're human beings and there's no need to slag people like that.




Scottie McClue's doing a lot of radio work in Scotland at the moment. Lovely bloke, very clever broadcaster.



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Originally posted by Nicholarse

Just read all of this string. Wish I hadn't contributed now.


What the f'? Clublander? What's the deal with having a little snide pop at Matt and Emma like that? They're a good listen. They're nice, genuine people. Above all though, they're human beings and there's no need to slag people like that.




Scottie McClue's doing a lot of radio work in Scotland at the moment. Lovely bloke, very clever broadcaster.




I always like Scottie, he was VERY clever at talking to people and getting reactions from people to his outrageous theories. However, he then went very mediocre and just seem to have average day to day 'chats' with callers on the air and crack jokes all the time, and all the controversy went away...


Are you the late night Hallam FM 'Nicholarse' by the way? If so you also have a very clever approach to people and it makes good listening. Often tune it for a chortle......

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Originally posted by Nicholarse

Just read all of this string. Wish I hadn't contributed now.


What the f'? Clublander? What's the deal with having a little snide pop at Matt and Emma like that? They're a good listen. They're nice, genuine people. Above all though, they're human beings and there's no need to slag people like that.




Scottie McClue's doing a lot of radio work in Scotland at the moment. Lovely bloke, very clever broadcaster.




They are awful. Personal opinion which I'm entitled to. apparently not many people agree with me so its hardly anything to worry about. Daryl Denham covering their holiday a bit back showed how poor they are. He was excellent.

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Originally posted by Boops

Thats a true fact


As opposed to an untrue fact?


I suspect you don't understand one of those words. Either fact or truth. Your choice.


As for your opinion, Clublander, it just seems a bit low to use a thread about ex-Hallam jocks to have a go at people.






PS - Yes, Goldenfleece, I'm the presenter on the late night phone in at the moment. Jolly good fun it is too. Glad you agree. ;)

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Originally posted by Nicholarse

As for your opinion, Clublander, it just seems a bit low to use a thread about ex-Hallam jocks to have a go at people.







I'd actually go along with that Nick, it is offtopic, but it wasn't a real go - just a throwaway comment.

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