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The future of Sheffield's Libraries - Megathread


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This may be going off on a bit of a tangent but on other threads about children from poor and underpriveledged homes not acheiving academic qualifications one reason given is lack of funds and lack of a quiet place to study.

Libraries provide a quiet and tranquill area to study and also provides books for study.

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But you also need to understand that it's very unlikely that anyone will take notice of what you say.


The green Party explains how it works here.According to their website communities can influence decisions on how much is spent on libraries so would be able to have a say on how local libraries are run.That is the whole point of the community assembly. It gives the power to local people in their communities and takes it away from central government.




'As a resident of Sheffield, you will have opportunities to influence services in your area that meet your needs and reflect what local people want.

Each Community Assembly has a budget and will ask communities how this should be spent on local projects. Communities will also be able to influence decisions on how much is spent on parks, street cleaning and libraries, and more services will be added in the future.'

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But you also need to understand that it's very unlikely that anyone will take notice of what you say.


Ah yes, the typical Labour response - you are not one of us so we won't listen to you.


Ever thought RosyRat that people don't listen to you - I do listen to you but then make an informed judgement of your opinion. What you say may be Labour 'give it them free protect the vulnerable and those who can't be bothered to work' rubbish but at least I listen.

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'As a resident of Sheffield, you will have opportunities to influence services in your area that meet your needs and reflect what local people want.

Each Community Assembly has a budget and will ask communities how this should be spent on local projects. Communities will also be able to influence decisions on how much is spent on parks, street cleaning and libraries, and more services will be added in the future.'


Communities don't influence the decisions - those who turn up at the meetings do. And precious few people turn up at the meetings. In the end it is the councillors who sit on the assemblies who make the actual decisions. And, if you recall, these have hardly affected libraries in a positive way. 2 years ago Highfield Library's opening hours were cut so that the money saved could be spent on clearing leaves from the roads. Why you think Communty Assemblies will have a positive outcome for libraries, rather than any other Council service, I don't know.

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Communities don't influence the decisions - those who turn up at the meetings do. And precious few people turn up at the meetings. In the end it is the councillors who sit on the assemblies who make the actual decisions. And, if you recall, these have hardly affected libraries in a positive way. 2 years ago Highfield Library's opening hours were cut so that the money saved could be spent on clearing leaves from the roads. Why you think Communty Assemblies will have a positive outcome for libraries, rather than any other Council service, I don't know.


Its very strange as the last community assembly meeting that I went to it was packed out.

If people in the community choose not to go along to the meetings then that is their choice.

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Communities don't influence the decisions - those who turn up at the meetings do. And precious few people turn up at the meetings. In the end it is the councillors who sit on the assemblies who make the actual decisions. And, if you recall, these have hardly affected libraries in a positive way. 2 years ago Highfield Library's opening hours were cut so that the money saved could be spent on clearing leaves from the roads. Why you think Communty Assemblies will have a positive outcome for libraries, rather than any other Council service, I don't know.


ie, people from the community.

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Just heard that they're cutting 75% of the mobile libraries. They're scrapping 3 of the four vans. So much for not closing libraries!


And having run Mobile & Special Services for 11 years I can tell you exactly who that will hit :


1. People who can't access a building-based service : the elderly, the disabled and those who don't have a car

2. People living is isolated rural communties

3. People in residential care and sheltered housing

4. People who live further than a mile from a branch library.

5. Children in rural schools


To save what? There are 4 mobile libraries - 3 x 36 footers and a 30 foot long vehicle designed for small communities and rural routes. They have no resale value and their repair and maintenance budget doesn't amount to the upkeep of one branch library for a year.


The mobiles each cover the whole of Sheffield over a week and provide a flexible, cost-effective service to some of the most vulnerable people.


I hope the Lib Dems are proud of themselves.

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