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The future of Sheffield's Libraries - Megathread


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I am though in a position to say how libraries are run, or at least have some influence over it as a tax payer and of course as such I am entitled just like you to post my opinions freely on an open Forum.


The phrase "everyone's entitled to an opinion" really needs to have the word informed inserted into it.


You're entitled to some influence, broadly, by virtue of being a taxpayer sure. But to assume that you are in a position to know how libraries should be run better than, for example, the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, is a little arrogant, no?



In the words of Mr Ben Folds, it's OK if you don't know everything.

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I use the Local Studies Library from time to time. Not as much as I'd like as there isn't easy access. I used to use the Mobile Library but there was so little that interested me and it was changed recently. I used to use the Libraries a lot when I was fit. I still read as much but I buy 2nd hand books off ebay or Amazon or download books online. Its just too much travelling out to the library. I know you can order online from the Library but I can't get my head round it. I don't think Libraries are as pleasant places to go as they used to be. The buildings have had years of neglect and not as many acquisitions as they used to have. I'm not sure how they change the fact that many people have lost the habit

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I am though in a position to say how libraries are run, or at least have some influence over it as a tax payer and of course as such I am entitled just like you to post my opinions freely on an open Forum.

No, you're in a position to have influence because you exist, not because you're rich enough to pay taxes.


I can hear the rallying cries:

I'm poor! I don't pay tax! Ignore my opinions!!!!

I'm rich! I pay tax! Do what I say!!

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I am though in a position to say how libraries are run, or at least have some influence over it as a tax payer and of course "as such" I am entitled just like you to post my opinions freely on an open Forum.


My bold: So, you can have your "say" or "influence" by virtue of you being a "tax payer". :huh:


That appears to rule out the opinions of all non-taxpayers such as pensioners, the unemployed, anyone living on benefits such as the disabled, students (including mature students) and teenagers still at school or college.


I wonder if you would you deny non-taxpayers the vote as well :?:


I would argue that anyone is entitled to an opinion on libraries, not just tax-payers - which is an extremely condescending attitude to adopt.


Edit: I see that jgharston has also commented on this post by espadrille.

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Most library users only see a very small part of the service - which is fine; we do not usually need to know everything that goes on. However, it would probably be useful to find out what your local and central libraries already provide to a wide range of users before offering suggestions on coffee-making facilities, qualifications required by the staff or the appearance of the members of the public who make use of the facilities.


My local library offers an excellent service for children, for example, with early years sessions, homework supervision and a quiet area for older children. All of this is especially beneficial for children who do not grow up with books at home. It is in the interests of all readers to ensure ours does not become a minority pursuit, so for purely selfish reasons, I am very keen to protect the library service ahead of, say, street cleaning. I can sweep the street outside the house where I live or my place of work, but I cannot even begin to replicate the expertise and skills of the librarians at Highfield.

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No, you're in a position to have influence because you exist, not because you're rich enough to pay taxes.


I can hear the rallying cries:

I'm poor! I don't pay tax! Ignore my opinions!!!!

I'm rich! I pay tax! Do what I say!!


What I was saying was that as a council Tax payer of Sheffield my taxes pay towards the running of the libraries. Is this not correct?


So as a user of our community assemblies I am able to Have My Say on what I feel the needs are of the local community.It doesnt mean that everyone will agree.They are also entitled to Have their Say.

I know that the council decides what communities have their say on but as a tax payer I assumed that was whom the services are there for. Am I wrong.


Anyway as you say, I do exist so again am entitled to my opinion.

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What I was saying was that as a council Tax payer of Sheffield my taxes pay towards the running of the libraries. Is this not correct?


So as a user of our community assemblies I am able to Have My Say on what I feel the needs are of the local community.It doesnt mean that everyone will agree.They are also entitled to Have their Say.

I know that the council decides what communities have their say on but as a tax payer I assumed that was whom the services are there for. Am I wrong.


Anyway as you say, I do exist so again am entitled to my opinion.


But you also need to understand that it's very unlikely that anyone will take notice of what you say.

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What I was saying was that as a council Tax payer of Sheffield my taxes pay towards the running of the libraries. Is this not correct?


So as a user of our community assemblies I am able to Have My Say on what I feel the needs are of the local community.It doesnt mean that everyone will agree.They are also entitled to Have their Say.

I know that the council decides what communities have their say on but as a tax payer I assumed that was whom the services are there for. Am I wrong.


Anyway as you say, I do exist so again am entitled to my opinion.


My bold: The council doesn't provide library services solely for tax payers. Otherwise most pensioners and students, to take but two examples, wouldn't be allowed to use our libraries. So, yes, you are wrong. Completely in the wrong.

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On the subject of what librarians do-I know librarians who work in a variety of libraries-public, university, business and research and yes, they all did postgraduate training .If you go to the Business Library in the Central Library you will find the Business librarians who help people find the information they need. They have specialist books, journals and online services which cost thousands of pounds to provide free as a service to the businesspeople of Sheffield. These all require a good knowledge of the material to be able to advise people where to find what they need. It can be financial information on competitors, importers of specialist components or details of export markets.See this link to show you what they can do-http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-12361756


The public library service is also part of SINTO:


On the subject floors you will find librarians who are specialists in the sciences & languages etc to help people there.The Local Studies library has physical archives as well as all of the online resources you can buy at home. Lots of maps and original papers are there for historians and local people who are interested. The online resources there are only available in the library as far as I know. These all require good knowledge and training to keep them from further degrading as well as providing access. The subject areas will contain books on most subjects aimed at basic,intermediate and more advanced interests. Again, the librarian will need to make judgements on what sort of information the customer wants.But most of all, how do you think the material gets there-who selects the material-all at the right levels, makes the value judgements on what is worth buying and what isn’t? Who collects the statistics to see if the money spent one year on a subscription is worth spending the next? Who controls the budgets? Who has to collect statistics on loans, visits, issues etc. to justify spending the money? And of course if they are managers there is the staff management that people everywhere who have staff working with them have responsibility for.

And I haven’t even started on the fiction! Yes, that’s important too. With all the literacy problems this country has, is it sensible to get rid of the one place where people can learn and enjoy reading for free?

But if you had volunteers running the libraries, who would run the budget-or would there even be one? Would the full stock be the equivalent of what you get in a charity bookshelf, stuck on the shelves? Would there be a catalogue? How would it be produced if librarians weren’t there to run the computer systems and catalogue correctly to ensure the books etc. are all in the right place and easy to find? Who would produce recommended lists ? Would they still have interlibrary loans and access to information and books from the whole national library service? Who would evaluate the material and decide what to buy?

A lot of this discussion is based on the assumption that the library service is just for fiction. It supports lots of people for their business and for their hobbies for getting a better education to help them get better jobs and they will not get the information anywhere else.

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