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EDL Leader to be interviewed on Newsnight

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Sure there's many mixed race relationships, these couples are together presumably because they have a lot in common.


Examples of relationships where one is a Muslim of Pakistani heritage and the other isn't I'll bet are few and far between.


Then you'd be wrong.




Why are you so agitated about a subject you know next to nothing about?



In a 2001 UK census, British Chinese women (30%) were twice as likely as their male counterparts (15%) to marry someone from a different ethnic group.


Among British Asians (South Asians, not including Chinese), Pakistani and Bangladeshi males were twice as likely to to have an inter-ethnic marriage than their female counterparts, while Indian and “Other Asian” males were more likely to have an inter-ethnic marriage than their female counterparts by a smaller percentage.

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Today, the UK has one of the fastest-growing mixed-race populations in the world.



According to a Policy Studies Institute report in 1997, half of all black men born here who are currently in a relationship have a white partner, and a third of black women (and one fifth of Asian men and 10 per cent of Asian women).


One in 20 pre-school children in the country is thought to be mixed-race.


From Diana, Princess of Wales to Trevor McDonald, Michael Caine to Zeinab Badawi, countless celebrities have, or have had, lovers from different racial backgrounds. People of mixed race, from Zadie Smith to Halle Berry, Hanif Kureishi to Paul Boateng, are increasingly in the public eye; and in parts of our big cities, interracial relationships are so common that even to notice them is bad manners.




You don't actually know what's happening in Britain.


You make these lofty pronouncements that have no basis in fact, you make sweeping statements that bear no relation to the truth, and you have literally no idea what is going on in the country you profess to love.



So, why are you so worked up about a subject you know next to nothing about?




You want there to be a racist divide in this country. Fortunately for us, and unfortunately for you, you are quite, quite wrong.


British people don't hate foreigners or hold fear for them.


They are marrying them and having sex and making babies!



Does this make you sad?

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Then you'd be wrong.




Why are you so agitated about a subject you know next to nothing about?



In a 2001 UK census, British Chinese women (30%) were twice as likely as their male counterparts (15%) to marry someone from a different ethnic group.

Among British Asians (South Asians, not including Chinese), Pakistani and Bangladeshi males were twice as likely to to have an inter-ethnic marriage than their female counterparts, while Indian and “Other Asian” males were more likely to have an inter-ethnic marriage than their female counterparts by a smaller percentage.


Today, the UK has one of the fastest-growing mixed-race populations in the world.



According to a Policy Studies Institute report in 1997, half of all black men born here who are currently in a relationship have a white partner, and a third of black women (and one fifth of Asian men and 10 per cent of Asian women).


One in 20 pre-school children in the country is thought to be mixed-race.


From Diana, Princess of Wales to Trevor McDonald, Michael Caine to Zeinab Badawi, countless celebrities have, or have had, lovers from different racial backgrounds. People of mixed race, from Zadie Smith to Halle Berry, Hanif Kureishi to Paul Boateng, are increasingly in the public eye; and in parts of our big cities, interracial relationships are so common that even to notice them is bad manners.




You don't actually know what's happening in Britain.


You make these lofty pronouncements that have no basis in fact, you make sweeping statements that bear no relation to the truth, and you have literally no idea what is going on in the country you profess to love.



So, why are you so worked up about a subject you know next to nothing about?




You want there to be a racist divide in this country. Fortunately for us, and unfortunately for you, you are quite, quite wrong.


British people don't hate foreigners or hold fear for them.


They are marrying them and having sex and making babies!



Does this make you sad?


You've used the words ethnic/ethnicity, race and racial.....but not culture.


I say most interacial couples are from the same or similar cultural backgrounds.

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My bold. I wouldn't accept that only a small minority are concerned with immigration levels. I'm not getting into a long drawn out argument which will eventually end in me being accused of being a direct descendent of Adolf Hitler but that doesn't add up.


I never said I support the EDL, although by quoting what they say seems to imply one is in bed with them...


They will gain support and by merely dismissing them as football hooligans and thugs you are misguided.


I'm not sure how to define a "racist" but if they welcome any race can they be accused of this?


Their problem is one of religion and not race, there's a big difference...


And what would they do with it? I don't think even they know. Once they've turned up at every sizeable town and city in the country, what do they do next? Go round again?

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Can you prove this, or have you just made it up?


Yep. many edl members are ex bnp, you can look it up.


Many have convictions for drunken violence, sex crimes and paedophilia.


For instance:


Leader Tommy Robinson aka Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, former BNP member.

EDL website was set-up by BNP activist Chris Renton.

EDL co-founder Paul Ray described Chris Renton as "de-facto Commander of the EDL." Paul Ray says he's been ostracized from the EDL for opposing Chris Renton linking with Combat 18 (C18).

EDL organizers Steven White and Luke Pippen are Combat 18 activists.

C18 activist Bryan Powell is an official BNP steward.

EDL Facebook + You Tube chat shows hundreds of EDL support racists like the BNP, NF, Blood and Honour, BFF, C18 and KKK.

EDL Wayne Baldwin has been pictured in a Swastika T-shirt.

EDL supporter Earl Turner has been shown wearing a British Freedom Fighters t-shirt

The Welsh Defence League is riddled with Nazis.

Scottish press famously revealed that dual membership of Scottish BNP and Scottish Defence League is almost 100%.

2nd in command Kevin Carroll nominated a BNP candidate for election, but claims he was tricked into doing this and claims he can't be racist because he says he has a mixed-race daughter.

WDL finally ostracised Swansea C18 for refusing to stop making Nazi salutes on demos but Jeff Marsh is still happy to work with the known C18 members with whom he currently runs the WDL.

Luke Pippen Swansea C18 member runs the Casuals United Blog with EDL Wales / WDL founder Jeff Marsh.

Steven White, Jeff Marsh’s assistant has a Swastika tattoo on his chest and was pictured holding British Freedom Fighters t-shirt.


The issue is not whether the right, by which I mean those usually called extreme right, condone paedophiles but their logical ambiguity in dealing with the issue. If, as they claim, there is a link carrying guilt between the actions of an individual to the others who share political or religious affiliation then that link is just as valid when a right wing paedophile terrorist is convicted as it is when a Muslim paedophile or terrorist is convicted. If there is, as those designated 'lefties' say, no such link then there is no such link in either case. The right want it both ways.

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more cut and paste


can you prove that jim henson who created the muppets gos on edl demos and did orgies with miss piggy kermit the frog and fozzy the bear:)




Do you have a sensible question relevant to the subject?


Is your contention the edl are not middle aged bullying alcoholics?

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