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EDL Leader to be interviewed on Newsnight

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I doubt it ,not whilst foolish people like yourself keep promoting everything they do,the same goes for your efforts to supposedly run down the BNP,just think for every post you suddenly introduce about the BNP another member may join,you seem to have some sort of agenda against the BNP whats up wont they let you join ?



Have you been kicked out Bangy and you're now an EDL man?

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Its live and let live as far as I'm concerned. I don't hate anyone and I find our mix of cultures rewarding, it adds to the country.


However, lets deal in facts. The EDL has many none white members. They are welcomed into the group. The EDL targets Muslims and not people of a different race.


Its been said that Muslims do or don't integrate. The fact is they don't, that's their business I'm not bothered. Can anyone provide an example of a Muslim girl marrying a white British male?

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Have you been kicked out Bangy and you're now an EDL man?

Unlike gullible people like yourself I am and always will be my own man.I'll leave the joining of strange groups to the weak minded amongst you.Im sure there are a few EDL,BNP and UAF idiots on here,forgive me if I have omitted any groups bot I only recognise those I see advertised on here

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Its live and let live as far as I'm concerned. I don't hate anyone and I find our mix of cultures rewarding, it adds to the country.


However, lets deal in facts. The EDL has many none white members. They are welcomed into the group. The EDL targets Muslims and not people of a different race.


Its been said that Muslims do or don't integrate. The fact is they don't, that's their business I'm not bothered. Can anyone provide an example of a Muslim girl marrying a white British male?


This isn't fact, this is what you've seen on TV.;)

Go and have a look for yourself before you claim that this is true. They seem to get confused and yell things along the lines of "Get out ****'s" and "<REMOVED> off you raghead" Rather than "I dislike Islam".

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The edl muppets will be forgotten in a year, they are largely middle-aged alcoholic ex bnp scum, probably desperately unhappy that their wife ran off with a muslim and claims she's having the best sex she's ever had.


You should really learn about things before you criticise them and start making things up.

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You should really learn about things before you criticise them and start making things up.


Sorry Claire, it's you who needs to check their facts:


Rock On Tommy!

A couple of weeks ago, Searchlight released a photo of the EDL leader Tommy Robinson AKA Stephen Yaxley-Lennon at a BNP meeting. Many antifascist websites ran the picture and questioned the veracity of the EDL’s statements that they weren’t racist and Tommy had ‘never’ been a member of the BNP. And how did the EDL leadership respond? In their usual way. By keeping very quiet and hoping it would all go away. The EDL members who usually comment on ‘Malatesta’ articles did not respond either.



Tommy has had a year of legal woes to say the least. He has been arrested 6 times this year, the most recent at the Remembrance Day demo where he attempted to ‘seize the flag’ of Islamic extremists. What he actually did was leap into the arms of waiting officers who immediately arrested him. Some have said that Tommy was trying to make up for his humiliation in Holland the other week where antifascists walked straight up to him and snatched his flag as the rest of the EDL ran off. Footage from this incident was posted all over the internet. See at 9.50.



Tommy is the organiser of a violent far right group whose members include known football hooligans, fascists and other criminal elements. It is not too much of a speculation to say that the police may lean on him for information about them. He is in trouble over mortgage fraud allegations and his previous record of arrests and his time in prison for assaulting a cop are not going to do him any favours when he ends up in court. Tommy is basking in the media spotlight whilst he can for he knows his time is nearly up. And this is part of the EDL’s attraction: weekend warriors getting together, getting drunk and getting their faces on TV so they can boast about it in the pub to their mates. It makes them feel that they are ‘someone.’


The EDL leader is also looking at serious schisms in his group. Whilst he publicly states that they are not violent or racist there is still that hardcore determined to cause trouble and Tommy has no control over them. The EDL are also keen to trumpet their non-homophobic stance but sadly several EDL lads battered a gay member last week which underscores that what the EDL website says and what the EDL actually does are usually drastically different. Again.





The edl is infested with ex bnp scum.


When the above facts were put to the edl they refused to comment.


Check your facts claire, or you look foolish.

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Sorry Claire, it's you who needs to check their facts:


Rock On Tommy!

A couple of weeks ago, Searchlight released a photo of the EDL leader Tommy Robinson AKA Stephen Yaxley-Lennon at a BNP meeting. Many antifascist websites ran the picture and questioned the veracity of the EDL’s statements that they weren’t racist and Tommy had ‘never’ been a member of the BNP. And how did the EDL leadership respond? In their usual way. By keeping very quiet and hoping it would all go away. The EDL members who usually comment on ‘Malatesta’ articles did not respond either.



Tommy has had a year of legal woes to say the least. He has been arrested 6 times this year, the most recent at the Remembrance Day demo where he attempted to ‘seize the flag’ of Islamic extremists. What he actually did was leap into the arms of waiting officers who immediately arrested him. Some have said that Tommy was trying to make up for his humiliation in Holland the other week where antifascists walked straight up to him and snatched his flag as the rest of the EDL ran off. Footage from this incident was posted all over the internet. See at 9.50.



Tommy is the organiser of a violent far right group whose members include known football hooligans, fascists and other criminal elements. It is not too much of a speculation to say that the police may lean on him for information about them. He is in trouble over mortgage fraud allegations and his previous record of arrests and his time in prison for assaulting a cop are not going to do him any favours when he ends up in court. Tommy is basking in the media spotlight whilst he can for he knows his time is nearly up. And this is part of the EDL’s attraction: weekend warriors getting together, getting drunk and getting their faces on TV so they can boast about it in the pub to their mates. It makes them feel that they are ‘someone.’


The EDL leader is also looking at serious schisms in his group. Whilst he publicly states that they are not violent or racist there is still that hardcore determined to cause trouble and Tommy has no control over them. The EDL are also keen to trumpet their non-homophobic stance but sadly several EDL lads battered a gay member last week which underscores that what the EDL website says and what the EDL actually does are usually drastically different. Again.





The edl is infested with ex bnp scum.


When the above facts were put to the edl they refused to comment.


Check your facts claire, or you look foolish.


I'm sorry what does that have to do with anything i've said? I wasn't commenting on anyone being a BNP supporter. I was commenting on your ridiculously inaccurate stereotype for an EDL member.

I'll write that again for you, read carefully "middle-aged alcoholic ex bnp scum" you only seemed to see "bnp" last time.

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Not all EDL are BNP but it is this broad right wing spectrum that is causing trouble for them.



As we have seen those on the demonstrations range from being known neo-Nazis and football hooligans who can’t battle at matches anymore to more moderate elements, many of whom have been put off by the violence and racism on the days out. Following the Stoke debacle there was considerable acrimony on the EDL’s own forum over the fighting and vandalism and after the recent Dudley fiasco the Exeter division leader resigned in disgust.



Despite their ‘1,000s’ of paper members on Facebook, Dudley saw a decline in numbers. The last few EDL demos have kicked off and the hardcore racists, hooligans and Nazis remain. Like most far right groups, the EDL rely on quantity not quality and this means all manner of scumbags are in their ranks.


Opinion on the far right remains divided. On the various Nazi forums several contributors admit to attending the violent demonstrations despite much opposition from pro- and anti-Griffinites and dissident fascists.


The EDL’s development of a gay division, their support of Israel and the perceived ‘multi-culturalism’ has the mouldy old posters frothing at their toothbrush moustaches with righteous indignation.


The EDL constantly refer to their tiny handful of Sikh and mixed-race members which actually clarifies their position considerably. In the same way that fascists use criticism of Israel as a smokescreen for vehement anti-Semitism, the EDL employ the same tactics using ‘Militant Islam’ as an excuse to attack any Asians they come across. This is borne out by their random attacks on shops, houses and cars without any idea of whether the victims are ‘militant’ let alone Muslim. Any Asian looking face will do and this exposes the EDL as clueless ‘**** bashers.’


This is also backed up with their chants of ‘I’d rather be a **** than …’ etc, as well as the BNP links.






When the EDL is led by an ex-BNP member it's no surprise the EDL is (whether EDL leaders wanted it that way or not) being used as a Trojan Horse by Nazis. The video shows EDL leader, ex-BNP member and violent criminal Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) photographed with BNP candidate and EDL activist Alan Spence, and shows Alan Spence photographed with BNP chairman and Holocaust denier Nick Griffin.


The video also shows EDL supporters Martin Pugh and Criss Lewis making Adolf Hitler salutes, shows a "Blood & Honour" Nazi called Baggie Totney arriving at an EDL protest in Birmingham, and shows EDL Birmingham and "Blood & Honour" Nazi Wayne Baldwin (Criss Lewis is a folk musician and music teacher from Pontarddulais in Swansea, "Baggie" is a nick-name showing this Nazi supports West Bromwich Albion, and Wayne Baldwin is pictured with Swedish Nazi Janni Hagglund and an EDL Wales supporter who takes his handle "Earl Turner" from "The Turner Diairies" - the book that inspired Nazi terrorists Timothy McVeigh and David Copeland). Other BNP activists who are high-up in the EDL include Chris Renton, Kevin Carroll and Davy Cooling, and BNP activists who support EDL protests include BNP election candidates Charlie Baillie, Grant Rowe, Max Dunbar, Karen Otty, Marlene Guest and Sion Owens, BNP bodyguards Stuart Bates, Jock Shearer and Michael Fritz, and BNP activists Dave Bradley, John Aveyard and Rob Purcell.





The edl are a joke, anyone who is taken in by their lies that they have nothing to do with the bnp scum is very naive.

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I'm sorry what does that have to do with anything i've said? I wasn't commenting on anyone being a BNP supporter. I was commenting on your ridiculously inaccurate stereotype for an EDL member.


You deny that many EDL members are criminals?


Drunk, and indecently assaulted a young girl:





More convictions:


Assistant Chief Constable Anton Setchell, national coordinator for domestic extremism, told Channel 4 News that "we have seen some individuals from the far right on the margins of EDL organised events but these are only one or two individuals. We have found no strong links between extreme groups like the Aryan Strike Force and the EDL."


Yet today's guilty verdicts bring to 16 the total number of far right extremists who have been convicted over the past two years.


Among them were father and son Ian and Nicky Davison who were sent to prison last month for possessing the poison Ricin and for making and detonating pipe bombs. They were also co-founders of the Aryan Strike Force.




The EDL has quite a lot of unsavoury characters, not the sort of people you want to congregate around claire.


The EDL's core support "appears to be young white men who are often fuelled by drink and sometimes drugs", according to Matthew Taylor's report in the Guardian.


So, when I described the edl as middle-aged alcoholic criminals I was simply telling the truth.


It goes all the way up to the boss:


Searchlight can exclusively reveal that the leader of the English Defence League is a former British National Party member who has served 12 months’ imprisonment for assaulting an off-duty police officer.


In 2004 he joined the BNP with a family membership. In the same year he assaulted an off-duty police officer who intervened to stop a domestic incident between Yaxley-Lennon and his partner Jenna Vowles. During the scuffle Yaxley-Lennon kicked the officer in the head.



He was convicted on 18 April 2005 for assault occasioning actual bodily harm, for which he was sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment, and assault with intent to resist arrest, for which he received a concurrent term of three months.


List of convictions here:





The edl are sad, alcoholic middle aged sex criminals.

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